1 - A Visit to Kryptarium

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The warden had led the ninja into Kryptarium Prison multiple times - it was nothing new, except if you count having the seventh ninja part of the situation. The lilac ninja, or as most people call her, Jupiter; a Master of stardust and the newest member of Ninjago City's heroes. She, along with Kai, Cole, Lloyd, Nya, Zane and Jay have all had quite the event back in Azure Valley, a mysterious but enchanting sub-realm hidden by a mirage. Now it was time to find answers, and who better than the guy they put in jail just a few days ago. 

As the prison warden whistled quietly, he lead the ninja through the halls of jail cells. Bellows and howls of angry inmates filled the concrete complex, chains rattling and metal bars being clanked.

"Y'know, I never like coming here - it's  not exactly the most welcoming of places," Jay commented, keeping a hand on Nya's shoulder as they walked.

"Well, that is the point of a prison, Jay," she replied. "Whatever these people did, they surely deserved to be put in here."

"Yep," Kai scoffed as the group stopped by a specific cell. "Especially Marcus." 

Marcus was leaning against the wall of his drab cell when he noticed the ninja outside the bars.

"You guys can question him all you want - I'll be in my office if you need anything." The warden said; he then walked back down the loud hall. The seven ninja eyed the man in the cell - detained for bringing a firearm into a Ninjago News studio and causing terror.

"What do you want?" Marcus implored, shuffling in his chains closer to the barred gate. He glared at them, then laying his eyes on Jupiter. "What are you still doing in Ninjago? By now, I'd assume you were in a palace - or was my brother too soft?" He taunted.

The lilac ninja crossed her arms firmly and replied; "Axel returned to being Emperor, only because he was swindled by a certain someone we need to know about." 

"I know a lot of people, little ninja," Marcus retorted. "You're gonna have to be more specific."

Zane soon piped in. "Tell us about Sigma. Who is she and what is she planning on doing?" 

Something in Marcus' eyes flickered - he furrowed his brows and looked back at the ninja. 

"How do you know about that? Did my stupid older brother tell you?" He growled. 

"She appeared at the palace; she wanted something to do with the Sky Jewel, whatever that really is. What do you know?" Lloyd asked again. The last time they interrogated Marcus, he barely spilled any information; they were hoping that now that he was behind bars, he had nothing to lose. 

The inmate took a deep breath and spoke up.

"We met her out in the desert, when my brother and I were exploring together. At first, we assumed she was one of those snake-people--" 

"You mean serpentine?" Cole interrupted. 

"Yeah, that. But she told us she was not from Ninjago - she was a visitor, exploring. As we were slightly exhausted, she offered us some of her food and water. I had to say, she was very convincing - her seductive nature was quite the charm." The man explained. 

They rolled their eyes at his useless remark; they remembered how bothersome this man was. 

"Okay, but did she mention anything about the jewel she gave you?" Jupiter inquired impatiently.

"Yes, she did. She was grateful for our company so she gave us a jewel, promising prosperity to the land in which the right person ruled. However, after scratching the surface, I realised part of the truth." Marcus paused, looking at each of the seven ninja. "My brother was asleep in a tent when she and I had a conversation - Sigma is a Kosmikile, an alien species that resembled those..uh...serpentine. Her planet is one that relies on cosmic matter and she came to Ninjago in search for a new source of fuel, I believe." 

The ninja exchanged looks of surprise. After everything that has ever happened in Ninjago, an alien visit is something that was bound to happen anyway. Unfortunately, Marcus only had a few pieces of information, but for the ninja, it was a step forward in their investigation. They all half-heartedly thanked the inmate as they walked away from his cell, when he briefly grabbed Jupiter's arm. 

She glared at him when he spoke again, in a lower voice. 

"There is one more thing you should know. Her species are incredibly complex - I did get a glimpse of where she is really staying. There are more of her. In a huge mothership - I don't like admitting it but I am afraid she'll do something terrible. As long as she doesn't have that jewel, perhaps you can solve this." 

Jupiter nodded and thanked him again. Without Marcus' help, Ninjago may have already lost hope. She caught up with her friends - they hopped into the Land Bounty headed back to the Monastery to regroup and build a plan.

If Sigma is a threat, like Marcus and Axel insisted, then they had to dig deeper to find out why and stop it before it's too late. 

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