7 - The Other Side

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Hidden by the clouds, a huge intimidating mothership hovered in the sky - the sun's light reflected off it's shining metal surface as it set over the horizon. Inside, hundreds of Kosmikiles were scattering around, each one hustling with an essential task set by the chief. 

"Chief Sigma!" A voice echoed through the synthetic walls of the ship. A young alien apprentice clutching his futuristic wrist device approached the chief's doors. 

"What is it?" Her stiff voice beckoned. Sigma was busy at a desk; tapping holograms and maps that were projected around her, along with many main controls for her ship. "Quentin, every time you rush in here, it's for something you can deal with yourself!" She barked.

"But Chief! The d-device you gave me is picking up abnormally high levels of fuel!" Quentin nervously said. 

Sigma promptly left her desk and went over to grab the device from the young creature's arm. Quentin flinched at her sudden movement. 

She peered closely at the small screen embedded in the gadget; a small dot flashing on a digital map.

"Where is this?" She demanded.

The apprentice stammered as he responded; "I-In a region called Ninjago City. The amounts of material and living beings suffice the amount of cosmic matter we require." 

"Ninjago City...I'm sure they wouldn't mind if we go ahead and visit them." Sigma contemplated. She inputted the coordinates for her next destination. 

"B-but Chief, the instrument is not complete yet. Many of the engineers are still struggling to make it work, especially with the Sky Jewel destroyed." Quentin added anxiously. 

"That machine is the key thing in making this mission successful! If only that stupid girl didn't destroy the only source of power for it..." 

"Why don't we use astralstone instead? It has many of the same properties as th--"

"Astralstone is what caused this everlasting problem in the first place! That's why we need as much stardust as possible to compensate for our lost supply!" Sigma growled. Quentin took a step back. 

The chief took a deep breath and spoke once more; "We will set a course to this 'Ninjago City' once the machine is fully complete. I have a feeling we'll get a source for power very soon.." She held her four arms behind her back and paced her way back to the controls on her desk.

Quentin hesitated; he opened his mouth to say something else, but knew what was good for him and abruptly walked away. On his way out, he suspiciously eyed an empty glass canister on one of the work benches. He knew it wasn't his place to question, and made his way to the other sectors of the ship. 


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