15 - Okay, New Plan

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"Jupiter! You're okay!" exclaimed Jay, getting himself off the ground. The other ninja breathed a sigh of relief. Their friend was alright.

"Jupiter! Behind you!" Zane abruptly yelped, pointing his gold-inclusive bow and arrow at the oblivious Quentin.

"Zane, no!" Jupiter yelled back, standing in front of Quentin before the nindroid shot at him. "It's okay - Quentin is a good one."

As Zane lowered his weapon sheepishly, Nya rushed over to hug her friend. "Don't you ever think about running off to an alien mothership again, you dork!"

"Trust me, I won't. But how did you manage to get all the way here?"

"It was a weird process," Cole replied. "The mothership somehow teleported us and the Bounty along with itself back to the city, but by then, we were already on the ship. Then we had to fight a bunch of Kosmikiles with our partially-gold weapons and-"

"Okay, Cole we get it," Jay stopped him from rambling on.

"This is great and all, but we have more important things to worry about right now. Sigma is already on a rampage, sucking out the stardust from the city," The lilac ninja explained. As she looked around at her team, she gazed at Lloyd, whom she was still slightly mad at, but she brushed it aside.

Quentin cleared his throat and finally spoke;

"We don't have long - the extractor is a rather large machine. What matters is that we break the glass capsule and collect the stardust, which we can then project back at the city. However, we have to destroy only a specific part of its circuitry first, so that no stardust is lost in the process," He explained, pointing at a diagram of the stardust extractor on his tablet.

"Do you think I could hold all of that stardust and release it back?" Jupiter asked Quentin, but the Kosmikile shook his head slowly. 

"It's a bit more complex than that. This stardust is specific to whatever material or person it came from, so if you held it solely on your own, you might risk blending the natural stardust and your elemental stardust." Quentin replied. 

An awkward silence fell over them as they got to thinking, when promptly, Zane took out something from his pocket. 

"Perhaps this could be of any use?" He had brought along the astralstone, which glimmered in the neon lights of the lower deck. 

"An astralstone!" Quentin exclaimed, making his way over to hold the artefact. 

"Oh, so that's what it's called..." Cole said to himself. The Kosmikile took the stone from the nindroid's hands. 

"I've always wanted to experiment with it but for some reason, our planet doesn't have it anymore! They say it has properties that allow it to occupy cosmic dust..." 

"...Just like the Sky Jewel! Right?" Lloyd inputted. All eyes turned to Jupiter, who took out the warm jewel from her boot again. 

"Maybe if I use both of them together, I could collect the dust, then release it?"

"It's worth a shot - but we must hurry. Sigma and all the other engineers are on the main deck, supervising the extraction. Once the power from the machine starts decreasing again, they'll realise that something's wrong," Quentin advised. 

"Then in that case, Nya and I will go with Quentin to deal with the wiring. Kai and Jay, you stay on guard and make sure no other Kosmikiles get in the way, and Jupiter, Cole and Zane can go break the capsule." Lloyd said. The team all responded with nods of approval. 

"Great! We'll give you the signal once we've cut the circuitry," Quentin added. 

Promptly, they all then split into their groups and pursued to stop Sigma's plan. 

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