Chapter 4

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Katerina Dale

My first kiss.

Standing completely frozen, my eyes widened in pure terror as the dangerous man's lips lingered on mine for a few seconds before I pushed him away from my body. His dark eyes snapped open and met my frightened gaze. My hand flew up on instinct towards his cheek but stopped when the little boy in my arms screamed towards him joyfully.

"Daddy!" Elijah reached out and jumped into his father's arms, as my hand froze just an inch away from slapping Arosio.

Arosio hugged the boy to his chest but his eyes were glaring at me. Unlike his playful smirk just moments ago, now anger was evident in his handsome features. He obviously did not appreciate me pushing him away nor did he appreciate my hand that rested in the air, with the obvious intent of slapping him.

I could feel the other two men behind him, one of whom I recognized as Alejandro, staring at me horrified while the maid had bowed down on the floor and began to beg for forgiveness. My hand instantly fell to my side and I took several steps away from Arosio as the young maid began to beg for her life.

Just who is this man? Why is she begging for her life as if she thinks he will kill her?

"Daddy, we're late! Grandpa, Grandma and uncles are waiting for us! We always visit every weekend and sleep at the main house but this time it'll be more special since mommy is here," Elijah giggled excitedly as his dad gave him a small smile and ruffled his hair while the other two men looked at him in shock.

"Since when did you talk so much, Eli?" the man who I have not met yet questioned. I had to admit, he was just as handsome as Alejandro. His light brown hair paired with light hazel eyes and muscular built would make any woman drool over him. Whereas, Alejandro has blonde hair with blue eyes similar to my fake contact lens and a more lean built but he was muscular as well. I wonder what kind of job these men do to keep themselves in such muscular shapes?

But their looks are nothing compared to Arosio De Luca...wait, what am I thinking?!?

Shaking the thoughts away, I turned towards Arosio who was still looking at me with suppressed rage while ignoring the maid who was begging for her life. I shuddered in terror before taking more steps away from him. He frowned at my action and took a step towards me, making me back away further again.

"Since mommy is back, I will talk more, uncle Giovanni. I love mommy and want her to hear my voice so that she never forgets me. Now let's go, we shouldn't keep elders waiting, right mommy?" Elijah questioned while staring at me with his beautiful emerald eyes.

I smiled towards him and reached forward to take him out of his father's arms. I felt Arosio stiffen when I leaned closer to him but he still let me take the child out of his arms.

"That's right. Let's go, quickly. Have you packed your things?" I took Elijah into my arms and backed away further from the dangerous man and his friends. Looking towards the floor, I noticed the maid had disappeared and I had an inkling that I wouldn't want to know where they took her to.

"Not yet, can you please help me mommy?" Elijah questioned hesitantly as I let out a small laugh. I could feel the three men staring at me, as if to observe my every single move.

"Of course mommy will help you. Lead the way please" I giggled before practically sprinting out of the kitchen with the little boy in my arms. Only after leaving the kitchen did I feel like it was okay to breathe. It felt like I was about to suffocate with the pressure rising in the kitchen and with Arosio's stern glare directed at me.

God, I really don't think I can act as Isabella for even one day. Please help my father find her so that I can return to my life.


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