Chapter 14

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Katerina Dale

Throughout the whole drive back to the countryside, I couldn't help but check every single mirror of the car, to make sure that no one was following us. After the first half an hour of not spotting anyone following us, I was finally able to breathe and decided to get to know the Dale family's driver who had been silent this whole time. He was an American man in his late fifties and is married with two children.

"Thank you again for helping me, Mr. Winters," I mumbled softly while fidgeting with the seat belt wrapped around me. I had found out that Mr. Winters had been working for the Dale family ever since my mother married into the family. He had been assigned to being her personal chauffeur and was very happy to meet me which surprised me.

"Of course, Young Miss. It is my pleasure to assist you, I would always drive your mother to her doctor appointments when she was pregnant. She was very happy when she found out she was having twins," Mr. Winters met my eyes briefly with a warm smile before looking back on the road. I smiled at him gratefully but didn't continue the conversation about my mother.

Part of me always wanted to learn more about her but growing up, I didn't want to hurt my maternal grandparents feelings so I never asked them about her. I guess, I felt guilty knowing that my birth is what led to her death. Sighing, I reflected on my actions from yesterday and what I told Eliana replayed in my mind. I'm such a hypocrite, aren't I? I can't even take my own advice.

"We have arrived, Young Miss," Mr. Winters lightly shook me awake after three hours of driving. I had dozed off while trying to fight against my shivering body after an hour of the drive. He had no extra clothes in the car so the only thing I could do was sink myself into the heat of the car and pray to not catch a fever. Now was no time to get sick, I simply do not have that luxury since a certain Mafia boss will be coming after me soon.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I took in the front view of my grandparents bungalow in the countryside during this peaceful night. It filled me with so much happiness and peace of mind that I found myself tearing up at the sight of it. I thought I would never get to see it again.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Winters. I will forever be grateful to you," thanking the driver for all of his help, I stepped out and practically ran to the front door with excitement. It was close to midnight right now and I didn't want to wake up my grandparents so I planned to take the secret spare key out from the plant beside the front door.

After thanking the heavens for the key still being there, I turned towards the front door and was about to place the key into the doorknob but froze when I noticed it open already. For some reason, a sinking feeling began to take over the pit of my stomach as I slowly pushed the door open all the way. My breathing came out in short breaths while trying to remain as quiet as possibly despite the fear that caused my heart to thump loudly.

With cautious footsteps, I entered my home and almost fainted at the sight of it. Everything was tossed around carelessly, the furniture was thrown aside and most were broken into several pieces. I was in too much shock as I continued walking into the dark home and failed to notice the glass shards on the floor. Since I ran away from Arosio's family mansion, I did not have the time to prepare shoes in advance.

Wincing, I bent down to pull the glass shards out of both of my feet with more tears gathering in my eyes as the pain stabbed at me. Once the shards were out, I decided to turn on the lights in the main floor so that I could at least see where I was going. By now my feet had created bloody footprints on the white tiles but I ignored it and continued searching the main floor for any trace of my grandparents.

"Grandpapa? Grandmama? This isn't funny, come out...I'm scared," I whispered weakly while slowly making my way towards the living room. My grandmama is a clean freak and would never leave any mess anywhere in the house which is why I was getting even more worried.

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