Chapter 20

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Katerina De Luca

Pacing back and forth in the Dale family's private jet, my hands trembled as I tried to calm down by breathing in and out slowly. The blonde haired flight attendant, Bianca, disappeared out the jet doors ten minutes ago and hasn't returned yet. I couldn't help but glance out the window every five seconds to see if Arosio had sent his men to pick me up in a car right outside the doors of the jet that had been shut.

"I am terribly sorry for the delay, Ms. Dale," Bianca states as she rushes inside through the suddenly opened jet door, and I barely hear her words as my eyes are focused behind her to catch a glimpse of what was awaiting me outside. Almost immediately, I sigh in relief when I don't see any guards or scary looking Mafia men waiting there.

"That's quite alright. What is going on?" I turn my attention towards the flight attendant who looks at me in surprise but quickly averts my gaze. Oh right, she thinks I am Isabella. Why are people so intimidated by my sister? And why does this flight attendant call my sister 'Ms. Dale' instead of Mrs. De Luca?

"Another plane just landed minutes before us and they are occupying the nearest entrance that you would need to take in order to quickly reach the private lounge in the airport. It is my fault for not preparing in advance, I apologize. It will only be another ten minutes, the plane has already left and we can technically park at the tunnel now but I remember how much you hate public spaces," the woman explains as my feet falter and I finally stop pacing back and forth nervously. With bright, excited eyes, I whirl my head around and tightly grasp onto her slender shoulders.

"NO! We need to go there now, I don't mind the crowd!" I rushed out as the idea of hiding among the crowd in order to get to Ethan who would be waiting for me outside enters my mind.

My frantic eyes and eagerness must have shocked Bianca because she inadvertently steps back before fixing her outfit. The subtle action makes my eyes fixated on her United Airlines uniform, as another ingenious idea pops into my head.

"Alright, I will inform the pilot right away, Ms. Dale," she turns around to leave but I tightly grasp onto her hand and look at her with a wide, innocent smile.

"Bianca, you must have a spare uniform here, right? I need it now," I demand in a slightly cold tone, knowing that I had to act more like my twin sister if I wanted people to give in to my requests.

"Huh? My spare uniform? But why would..." the flight attendant trails off as she looks at me with slight suspicion, her eyes staring at me up and down. Her eyes seem to be taking in my casual outfit that Isabella would never wear in a million years and I could feel her brain going into overdrive, trying to crack my lies.

Think, Katerina, think! You need to lie, I know you suck at it but think of anything! It doesn't have to be perfect, just enough to shut her up and make her give you the clothes so that you can walk right by Arosio's mens without them ever guessing it is you.

" see... you know Mr. De Luca... he's" I ramble off nervously, trying to think of an excuse before she cuts me off quickly.

"He is your husband, I know that. Please forgive me if I offended you earlier, I only addressed you as Ms. Dale because I heard you ordering the pilot not to address you as Mrs. De Luca during our last flight. Please don't tell Mr. De Luca," Bianca quickly apologizes while bowing her head and I could see her shoulders tremble slightly. She wasn't even trying to hide her fears of Arosio, and I found myself sympathizing with her.

"Huh? No, I don't care about that..." I trailed off and raked my brain for an excuse that could help me get out of this situation. She looked at me startled before lifting a delicate brow, probing me to continue.

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