Chapter 33

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Katerina De Luca


Complete, utter silence.

The only sound that could be heard was the wind swishing around the cold night air, as I remained hunched over Saverio D'Amore's shoes, having released all of the contents of my stomach onto him. I could feel Saverio's guards behind him suddenly hold their breaths, as if waiting for something horrible to happen.

In one fluid, swift motion Saverio's hand struck down towards me as I shut my eyes tightly and released a scream before falling back into a sitting position with my hands raised in front of my face.

Once again, silence ensued in the platform as my shivering form remained on the cold cemented ground and silently prayed for more people to appear. The train would be arriving soon and there is no way I am the only one boarding it.

Perhaps Saverio and his guards did something to the other passengers?

"... Qui, è solo un fazzoletto," Saverio cleared his throat before speaking and looking down at me with an unimpressed look as he handed me his white handkerchief. (...Here, it's just a handkerchief).

My eyes widened slightly in realization that he wasn't trying to slap me before, he wanted to give me his handkerchief instead. But after seeing the way he choked Aliana, his own fiance, into passing out just a few moments ago, I couldn't help but fear the dangerous man standing above me. My gaze remained on the floor as I slowly lifted my shaky hand up and took the handkerchief from him before quietly wiping my mouth.

Saverio remained quiet but I could feel his scorching gaze on me. I didn't dare look up, in fear of meeting his green orbs swirling with murderous intent like they were just moments ago when Aliana confronted him. Ever so slowly, I lifted my eyes up to look around the empty platform, in search of an escape route.

My heartbeat almost dropped to the pit of my stomach when I realized that the only exit was the tunnel that Aliana and I took to come out here. There is no way I will be able to run there and not get caught by Saverio and his two men. I don't even have my lighter and scissors anymore, they are still in the shopping bag that is presently sprawled across the floor a few feet behind me.

"Gino, riporta tua cognata alla mia macchina. Fai molta attenzione, se almeno una ciocca di capelli sulla sua testa è fuori posto ... beh, sai cosa farò," Saverio stated darkly before slowly placing Aliana into his guards arms. Almost all of the color drained from my face when I finally registered his sinister words. (Gino, take your sister-in-law back to my car. Be extra careful, if so much as one strand of hair on top of her head is misplaced...well, you know what I will do)

How could he threaten his own men so easily? He's much worse than Aro--

"Angelo, girati finché non lo dico io," Saverio suddenly ordered after contemplating for a bit as my surprised eyes finally snapped up to meet his darkened light green eyes. I gulped down hard and unconsciously shuffled away from him on the floor. (Angelo, turn around until I say so)

What if he's saying that so that he can kill me without any witnesses? Oh heavens, please save me and my baby.

As soon as the first guard disappeared through the tunnel with Aliana and the other guard turned around, Saverio bent down onto the ground and held onto my chin in a painful grip that immediately had me whimpering in pain.

"Please, I'm so sorry for throwing up on you, please let me go," I whispered through tears and managed to back away from him only a few feet before he clenched his jaw tightly and wrapped his other hand onto the back of my head, tugging at my hair in a vicious grip.

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