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Jj just looked at me in shock I hoped to God he didn't say anything to ethan

>"are you ok babe" ethan said looking at me in confusion

>"yeah" I replied

>"hi I'm tobi"
>"hi I'm vik"
>"hi I'm harry"
>"hi I'm simon"
>"hi I'm josh"
>"hi I'm jj" jj said like he had never met me before but I went along with it

We all sat down and I ended up sitting between jj and ethan I didn't want to but I did because I didn't want a fuss I looked over at jj and he has something written on his phone and it said

Do we tell him??
I shook my head and carried on with my meal

A few hours had passed and me and ethan was leaving Hailey and harry really hit it off so she went with him

>"it was so nice to finally meet you all" I said smiling

Me and ethan went our separate ways he dropped me home and then he went home himself and my phone started ringing I didn't have the number saved but I answered anyways

>"hello is this ella" a voice said

>"why who's this" I replied confused

>"it's jj is this ella" the voice replied

>"yes it's ella what do you want jj" I replied stubbornly

>"are we not gonna talk about what happened between us" he asked in a weird tone

>"what jj... that I walked in on you fucking my best mate three days after my nanna died" I shouted down the phone

>"yea but you didn't let me eplain to you,you just dumped me and ran off" he replied

>"what was you gonna explain to me jj how was you gonna explain that you and my ex best mate was fucking and im telling ethan about us because he deserves to know" I said

>"but ella if you tell him that it will cause alot of unnecessary shit that we both don't need right now trust me anyway you and ethan only just got together so it doesn't matter to him anyway" he said

>"trust you" I shouted "I trusted you before and look where that got us I am telling him because then he knows" and with that I ended the call end got in the shower

When I got out of the shower I checked my phone and it was a message from a group chat it was the sidemen gc but it had freya (joshs girlfriend) and talia (simon girlfriend)

Gang Shit

Freya: so we all meeting at 8 then?x

Talia:yh sounds good x

Ethan: yeah I'll pick ella up and we will meet you all there x

Me: What happening?? X

Ethan: we are going on a night out babe and im gonna get an uber to us for 8 and then we are meeting the rest at the club x

Me:ok who's going?? X

Josh:this whole gc and some others like freezy,lux and that x

Me:ok sounds good x

Jj: see you there x

Fuck jj is going

I texted ethan

To ethan:
Hey babe can you come to mine and get ready I need to tell you something??? Xxx

From ethan: yea baby no problem see you in 10 xxx

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