ii. bus wankers

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IN THE END, IT HAD BEEN COUNTDOWN THAT BROKE LENNON. She had originally been delighted to find a small mounted TV on the wall of her room above the bed, a saving detail among the smell of bleach and lack of breathing room. That was until she had turned the television on to find it only had Channel 4, which was barely half-decent between the hours of 9 and 11 at night. After mindlessly scrolling through Instagram and Twitter for anything riveting, she had picked the remote up and flicked it on to find Rachel Riley displaying an impossible maths conundrum to today's contestants. Riddled with boredom, she even found herself trying to join in. But there were only so many times she could get three letter words while an older blonde woman named Lucy managed to somehow score eights and nines.

"The Jimmy Carr version is better, anyway," she muttered bitterly to herself, flicking at the power button with a deflated ego. There was only one thing that was going to turn her Saturday around, and it was lying in the alcohol section of the corner shop she had passed down the street. Lennon was going to get so horrifically drunk, that the prospect of lying in bed staring at the ceiling would somehow turn entertaining.

She had to admit she regretted that she didn't run into the boys again on her journey toward the shop, hoping to see them in the staircase or outside ready to venture on whatever plan their friend had concocted. Perhaps it was loneliness creeping up on her, but she had a good laugh with the boys on the staircase. It wasn't often she'd click with people as soon as meeting them, but it felt natural to joke with them however brief a moment it was.

As if sent by God himself, Lennon had to pause in her step when she thought she heard their voices inside the local Spar shop. Straining her ears, she followed the noise and ended up in the exact location she had been intending to visit - the alcohol aisle, where the boys could be found clearly having heeded her advice.

"I might just start downing vodka before we even get to the till, to warm up before the bus journey more than anything else," Harry was in the midst of saying, balancing a bottle of Ciroc in hand while also peering at a bottle of wine 

"Hey, great minds think alike," she called out with a giggle, her hand going for the bottle of Glen's - which had been no good to her in the past but still was the cheapest and most efficient vodka going. It 'done the job', as most would say.

"No way, hey!" Ethan laughed aloud, reaching his hand out to do a sort of strange hand clasp she only saw boys do. Feeling welcomed by the interaction, she snickered again at the sight of the alcohol they were toting. "Have you been driven to drink already?"

"Two hours in that room and I'm ready to burn it down, does yours absolutely reek of bleach?"

"That's what I said!" Vik exclaimed excitedly, tucking a couple of cans of pre-prepared gin and tonic into his elbows.

"It's seriously starting to make me think there was some form of gruesome murder committed," she rolled her eyes at the thought of traveling back, picking up a large bottle of 7up to mix with her alcohol. "Have you found out what you're doing yet?"

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