xx. the chronicles of choosing the right cocktail for every occasion

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A WEEK HAD PASSED, and Lennon still hadn't had her chance to tell Harry everything she had on her mind

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A WEEK HAD PASSED, and Lennon still hadn't had her chance to tell Harry everything she had on her mind. Her plan to let it all out the night they were clubbing fell through - Hannah stayed with the group until the very last possible minute, despite looking entirely bored by their company and eventually became standoffish by their lewd behaviour. It was quite clear that even though Harry's intentions with her that evening were entirely platonic,
Hannah's wasn't.

The rest of the week had been Lennon's fault - Maggie had fallen ill and she had offered to cover both of their shifts. This meant working twelve-hour days in the café, which had a benefit in earning her some extra money on the side but also had the added drawback of leaving her exhausted. No matter how much the elderly woman insisted she didn't strain herself with doing too much, Lennon thought she owed it to Maggie to let her rest after all she had done for her.

There hadn't been complete radio silence between herself and Harry, the two still chatted through text as often as she could reply - but what she really wanted to say wasn't something she would relay through a message. Lennon needed to see Harry to tell him how she felt, saying it behind the screen of a phone felt like she wasn't really saying it to him at all, and if his replies were even delayed by a minute it would have been a minute spent overthinking everything.

No, Lennon needed to look him in the eyes when she did it. Needed to hear his goofy laugh, his strangely posh accent and feel the ever-present chemistry between them.

Finally Friday had come, the day where Harry had agreed to meet her at the café while she closed up. Anxiously waiting for his arrival, Lennon scrubbed and scrubbed at the coffee tables, plucked every stray dog hair from her work uniform and stress-ate an entire batch of brownies that she most definitely wasn't allowed to eat. Typically any leftovers was handed out to the homeless in the nearby area - so Lennon made a mental note to use some of her extra money to buy them a pizza later. Stealing from the homeless wasn't good for her karma.

The brunette jumped a mile in the air when Harry finally arrived, leaving him barking a laugh at her startled state.

"I'm not hear to rob your tip jar, calm down!" He exclaimed with amusement, wearing a brightly coloured sweater despite the weather being inconceivably warm for London that week.

"You wouldn't get very far, you'd probably trip on your way out," she laughed along with him, hopping up to sit on the counter after locking the door behind him.

"Why are you locking us in? I thought we were going to Wetherspoons?" He questioned, scratching the back of his head curiously while she seemed to get comfortable. This was a conversation Lennon had wanted to have in the privacy of the closed café, rather than having it while the two of them chugged a jug of Blue Lagoon.

"We have to talk first," she declared, screwing her expression up once she heard the words leave her own mouth. "Woah that sounded really adult-like, I literally had a pack of skittles for breakfast."

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