xviii. tumultuous tindering

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"LENNON!" A feminine voice called out from a nearby group of girls, a familiar face appearing out from the others as Rosie Lewis departed the 'prospective tinder matches' to join the newcomer

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"LENNON!" A feminine voice called out from a nearby group of girls, a familiar face appearing out from the others as Rosie Lewis departed the 'prospective tinder matches' to join the newcomer. Lennon breathed a sigh of relief that she would have someone to talk to, already feeling put out by the cool reception from their management team and the gang of women nearby who would soon be flirting with her friends.

Lennon Allen was all for girl power, but even she couldn't stop herself from comparing herself to the strangers. Although she did feel a sense of gratitude towards the boys for including a diverse cast of people with various ages, races and disabilities.

Rosie beamed as she approached her, letting out an exhale of relief as they reconvened. It seemed that the Lewis daughter was just as uncomfortable - perhaps in tenfold worse turmoil than Lennon as she was about to be paraded for her brother's friends to pick up. The brunette's anxiety was a little different from Harry's sister, as she feared seeing him at all that day. They still had yet to properly speak, and the conversation with Maggie and Rose was weighing heavily on her mind. She felt the loss of Harry's absence, and the frustration of knowing she likely contributed to it.

"I know you're probably bricking it, but I'm so glad you're here," Lennon commented, the two teetering off to some nearby chairs placed as a makeshift waiting area. One of the girls had already been through to the closed off space that the boys would be conducting their pick up lines.

"If Harry doesn't step out of that line and go to the 'no' section the second I walk in I'll snap his FIFA discs, I swear!" Rosie threatened with a shudder.

"Noooo," Lennon pretended to groan dramatically, "but that's his only source of income!"

At the very least, Harry seemingly hadn't mentioned anything to Rosie about their newfound 'distance'. But then again, what twenty-two year old man willingly relayed personal information about his romantic and sexual life to his sister?

"You never know though," Lennon continued, giving the girl beside her a teasing nudge with her elbow, "he is from Guernsey."

"Stop!" Rosie gagged, holding a hand over her mouth that the very thought of it. As a supporter of her brother's Youtube career, she had unfortunately witnessed all of his videos and the Sidemen ones that made explicit mentions toward her. "I just wonder what JJ will say, I haven't seen him since he did that diss track, which I would argue dissed me more than it dissed Harry!"

"What diss track?" Lennon questioned, eyes widening with delight when the blonde grabbed her phone from her handbag and loaded up the video. They shared a headphone each, and were suddenly immersed in JJ's 'Little Boy' track - a furious series of insults directed toward Harry, and seemingly every person Harry had ever met.

The brunette winced at the mentions of Rosie, more specifically the 'sket' and 'crowbar' comments which immediately reddened the victim's cheeks.

"I don't care that much now, sometimes when Harry pisses me off I play it out loud," Rosie shrugged, sliding her phone back into her bag as Lennon struggled to retain her laughter while making a mental promise to herself to learn the rap word for word specifically for when Harry and her were on speaking terms again.

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