Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten 

“Dimitri! Get me that lamp.”

“The blue and brown one?” He turned to me and smiled.

“Yes,” I stood up and winced, “then give me a back massage.”

“Baby, you need to be sitting.”

“No. I need to get this baby out of me, which involves moving.” I insisted. 

He walked over and wrapped his arms around me, “There are other ways to move that process along.” 

“As good as that sounds, we only have a few things to place before we’re done unpacking.”

“And only a few days until that baby pops out. Maybe hours.”

“The contractions are still an hour apart and small. Okay?” 

“An hour! I thought it was two.”

“Still fifty-five minutes to spare.” I told him. 

“We’re going to the hospital when you reach ten.” he told me firmly and I nodded. Fine. 

“Just-lets do this.” Dimitri leaned down and kissed me. 


“Oh! Dimitri! It’s happening? It’s happening!” Dimitri ran into the room and his eyes widened. 

“Now?” Yes. I gestured frantically and he nodded. After disappearing he came back with our baby bag and the car keys. He helped support me to the car. “I’ll driving as fast as I can Roza. How far apart are your contractions?”

“Four minutes.”

“What! I thought we agreed upon ten.” 

“Yeah, but I felt like I could tough it out. Until my water broke.” 

Rose.” Dimitri sped up and took a deep breath. I kept my breathing under control until Dimitri pulled up in front of a hospital. He helped me through the doors and the nurses put me in a wheel chair and took me back to a room.

Dimitri’s Point of View

Deep breaths. Calm down, at least a little bit. I walked back out to the car and grabbed the baby bag after parking the car. I took out my cell phone and texted Eddie, Janine, Abe, Lissa, and Christian. “Mr. Belikov?”


“She’s ready to push.”

“Okay.” Oh god. This is happening. Okay. I walked into the room. Rose was a mess. She was sweaty and she looked like she was in pain. A lot. Well, duh Dimitri.

“Dimitri!” She let out a strangled cry and I ran to her side. I held her hand and helped her with her breathing. 

“Good Rose. Keep pushing.” The doctor coached her and I smiled at Rose, trying to offer her some help. “We got the top of the head.” I kept Rose’s hand in mine, but leaned back so that I could see. Oh God. How was she doing this? And she refused the drugs? Oh lord, she really is strong. I gasped as more of the head peeked out. 

“Oh, Roza. I see her head.” Rose somehow mustered up a smile and a grunt as she continued to push. Soon enough Emilia was out and I was cutting the umbilical cord. The nurses took Emilia to clean her up and Rose was looking ready to pass out. The nurse handed me Emilia and I smiled and walked over to Rose. “Roza.” She gasped and held out her arms for Emilia. 

“Oh. She’s beautiful. So beautiful. Hi Emilia. I’m your mommy, Rose, and that’s your daddy, Dimitri.” She cooed and I felt like I could fly. The only thing I loved more than Emilia and Rose was the them together. 

“I love you.” I said and she looked up and grinned. 

“I love you too.” She looked back down at Emilia, “She’s so tiny.”

“She’s a baby.” 

Rose nodded, “Take her? I’m tired.”

“You should be. I don’t know how you did that.” 

She handed me Emilia, “I don’t know either. It hurt.”

“You didn’t have to see it.” She rolled her eyes and then closed them. 

“Do you mind if I have Emilia? I need to check a few things.” The nurse took Emilia and I filled out the birth certificate. She handed me back Emilia. I finally was able to look at her. She gazed up at me with big, green eyes of innocence. The eyes belonged to Janine Hathaway and, but the shape was more of one I recognized in my sisters. She already had Rose’s dark hair falling around her forehead and her lips were just as full as her mothers as well. She had Rose and I’s light tan and my cheekbones. She was definitely our child. Our girl. Our baby. Our Emilia Elvira Belikov. “You can take her out to see family. No one holds her though except you.” 

“Okay, thank you.” I carried my little girl into the big waiting room where everyone sat, looking bored. Abe was the first to notice me and without alerting anyone else he walked over. “Abe, this your grand-daughter Emilia Elvira Belikov.” 

Abe looked her over, “She’s very pretty.”

“Yes, красивый.” I told him speaking the Russian for “beautiful.”

He smiled, “Two women you’ll be held accountable for Dimitri.” 

“I won’t ever let anything happen to her.”

“Rosemarie or Emilia?” 

“Package deal, sir.” I grinned and, for probably the first time, he did too. 

“How’s Rose?” 


“Delivery went smoothly?”

“Yes. Were you there when Roza was born?”

“No.” There was a tinge of guilt under that professionalism.

“Be glad,” I shivered, “nothing should be able to stretch that large.” Abe raised an eyebrow and chuckled. 

“Is that the baby!” Lissa squealed and so it went. Until I was tired and getting to nervous of Emilia getting sick. So I took her back to the room where Roza was sleeping and put her in the little cart/ bucket thing that they kept next to the mothers bed. She was already fast asleep and, like Rose, didn’t stir. I kissed Rose on the forehead and climbed into the narrow space next to her.

Never Forgotten (A Vampire Academy Fanfic) Part OneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora