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It was a beautiful morning. You were walking peacefully while enjoying your morning walk, until "THUD!!" 

A man bumped into you. Well, you also weren't looking, but both of you were at fault. You both fell down.

The man quickly got up and offered  his hand to help you. You got a hold of his hand and got up, and finally saw his face. He was very handsome, as pretty as a picture. After standing up, it seemed like he wanted to say something. But he went away without uttering a word. 

your p.o.v

Hmh? Not even a single sorry?

Whatever I'm getting late.

End of your p.o v


Y/n is a student in Seoul University

age: 21

Parents: Live in USA

Siblings: One older brother, but doesn't live with you.

Friends: Lisa and Jisoo (you don't have so many friends!!)

You went to your university, after getting cleaned up. It was an extremely tiring day, you got lots of assignments to do.

To Be Continued…………

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