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Bigfoot, one of the most famous cryptids. Also known as the Woolybooger, the Yeti, Red skunk, and Skoocoom. In 1951 a man named Eric Shipton photographed what he described as a Yeti footprint. In 1958 a man reported seeing an ape like man to the authorities after staying at his mountain house for the weekend. Later that year large human like foot prints were found in Del Norte County, California. In 1967 two men named Roger Patterson and Robert Gremlin filmed the most famous sighting of Bigfoot ever recorded. The two men were hiking on the Klamath River outside of Orleans, California. The two men were hiking around a large grove of bushes when they spotted a large ape man walking into the woods. Gremlin quickly pulled out his Super 8 which he been carrying with him in hopes of getting some good nature shots but instead filmed the Bigfoot. They went back to town and showed the film to local authorities. They labeled it as a hoax but many believers thought of it as real evidence of Bigfoot.  Bigfoot is believed to be real by many people but many believe he is fake. Is Bigfoot real? Who knows?

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