The Jersey Devil

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In 1740 Mother Leeds gave birth to her 12th child. Later that evening the local Priest told her that if she had another child it would be a hideous beast. Mother Leeds didn’t believe the Priest and once again got pregnant. When it was time for her to give birth instead of a lovable child a horrendous beast with horns like the devil, and leathery bat wings, with glowing red eyes, and long sharp claws and teeth emerged from her. The beast howled and flew out the chimney into the nearby woods. Over the years there have been many reported sightings of the monster. In 1909 the monster reportedly attacked a trolley car as it was going down the street. In 1870 a woman was with her dog in her yard and the monster swooped down and attacked the dog, the woman ran inside got her broom and went back outside and hit the monster. The Jersey Devil dropped the dog and flew off. Many believe the jersey devil to be a demon. Recent sightings have started to dwindle but the legend lives on. Is the Jersey Devil real? Many believe it to be.

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