Feed 13

23 3 0

Maddie was slow to rise from the floor after Laura finished the last of the complementary oath before each meal.

She sat at the table, a bowl before her. One she didn't earn. One that costed her block.

Priest picked up his bowl and waved a 500 Volunteer aside before he sat.

"Four other blocks have donated parts of their rations to the 500s. So don't worry. This first helping's from us over at the sixes. Make sure you finish it fast. The boys did go a bit overboard after I told them about the baby.

It was rare for Volunteer blocks to mingle. Priest's presence was impossible days ago. Now with this child....

"Listen," Maddie began.

A man approached and told Priest, "The 800 block's refused to help with the rations, sir."

Priest nodded, annoyed. "Just about had enough of that block."

He watched Maddie, eager to see her accept his men's gift.

Bringing it to her mouth and allowing the tube to extend out and suck up the white nutritional mixture was the hardest thing Maddie'd done in a long time.

The Vagrants refused to feed.

The feeding tube meant this food wouldn't be coming back up again, but Maddie had to remind her gut that. She felt terrible.

"They're not feeding," someone whispered. "This morning's breakfast, no one came out."

"What if nobody comes out tonight? What do we do?"

"Me mah's sister still lives in there."

The chorus of worries carried but Maddie still watched her now empty bowl. For the two days she recovered, no one ate. This morning's fiasco with Gus should have been the end of it.

"It's a trick," another whispered.

"And what if it isn't? They were barely getting by with the amount. What if...what if we waited too long?"

"What about the children?"

"What about the Volunteer roster?"

Although Maddie acknowledge the chatter, Priest kept his eyes on the table.

"What was Gus like?" Priest met her gaze. "The 800s are no joke. What was his ranking?"

"846," Maddie admitted. "And what was he like? I don't know. Ruthless. Rough enough to get that ranking."

Priest was shaken by what he saw today. Whether it was seeing another Volunteer lose his mind, or whether it was seeing a Volunteer's life thrown away with such ease was hard to say. Having a Volunteer parent meant some training before attempting the tests, but no guarantees in success. Volunteers fought like animals to survive the trials. Most thought that meant they were someone special. Once they got in, though, they learned fast—once a Vagrant, always a Vagrant.

Today was Priest's reminder.

"They left him down there," Priest said. He looked about to spit. "Who leaves the body of a Volunteer?"

"He's alive," Maddie said—she really couldn't offer any other comfort. "Maybe Andy'll help him."

Priest nodded. "Maybe."

The lights flashed and they bowed their head.

"Today's feeding has ended," Laura said. "We thank those in the Inner City for their generosity and swear to earn our keep yet another day. Let us not forget how fortunate we are, and those who are our kin. The Outer Limits need food, and today we will provide that."

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