One Piece 15

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Maddie received a temporary reprieve from house arrest to attend Augustus's funeral. Even Ray requested to come.

"Surprised to see you here for a suicide," Maddie muttered.

"Ain't no suicide. Do you know the logistics that goes into hanging yourself? If I'm next, make sure you remember that mine was no suicide, either."

With nothing to offer, Maddie turned her sights on Gus's memorial again. "He thought he found a cure. I'm sorry that he didn't."

Ray snorted out a laugh. "A cure? The only reason the Inner City'd want a cure is to hide or destroy it. There's no profit in cures but there's big money in treatments."

At Maddie's silence and annoyance, Ray said, "Ask yourself, what was the last thing we ever cured? Honestly cured? We can cut and replace nearly every organ. Mold and shape our world to fit us...but cures? You never just figure we can't cure anything because there's no money in it? Cures are final. Treatments can feed a company forever."

Lately Maddie entertained Ray's theories but this wasn't the time. Not on a day like this—not with so few from Gus's block in attendance. There was no honor in giving up, so it was natural for Ray to make a theory, but Gus was ill, and the fallout from his actions which nearly resulted in a disaster was swift and severe. Gus weathered it, holding his head high each morning but who could weather it forever?

Maybe he did give up.

Their supervisor held up a chart and read, "This one man was giving till the end. From the parts of him volunteered for donation, not much could be offered. He originally signed for a full harvest, though, as any loyal Volunteer would."

Ray leaned in and whispered, "Remind me to relook at my donations."

Maddie cut her a glance and she shut up.

The service was somber and short, but Maddie stared on long after the mandatory officials left.

"Shame about Gus," Andy said, walking from behind them.

It was a chilling effect, made worse by that gentle smile. Andy appeared harmless. Maddie started to doubt Ray's tales.

"If you don't mind, Five, I'd like to talk to you privately. Come to my office."

As he walked away, Maddie yelled out, "Sir, what time should I arrive?

Andy didn't turn back.

When Maddie caught Ray's gaze, she shrunk away. "What?"

"Nothing. Just be careful."

She shoved past Maddie without looking back. Lately, Ray was getting unstable.

Although Maddie doubted some of Ray's rantings, a part of her was counting on that support when visiting Andy.

The man was harmless. She concluded that. Still, she went armed.

Andy returned to his office after three hours, a female Volunteer on his arm. When he spotted Maddie, he hurried to open the door for her.

"Please have a seat, Five. I'll be right with you."

He closed the door and a tentative knock followed. Andy answered, "What?"

"Sir," the muffled voice said, "May I be excused?"

Andy gave no answer. Instead, he turned his attention to Maddie.

"You're looking good, Five. Starting to show a little now, I see."

Maddie glanced back at the door but managed to look away when Andy asked her something.

"Beg your pardon?"

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