'baby mamma'

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After pacing around in the bathroom for quite sometime, I finally decide to call Vanessa. She picks up on the second ring and her face pops up on the screen. "I am in deep shit." I say, She looks at me with a worried face "Wha- why?" she asks with a confused tone.

I flip the camera around and show her the stick "SOFIE WHAT THE FUCK" she yells into the phone "WHAT!?! I couldn't help it his pull out game wasn't strong" I say rolling my eyes. "No YOU BITCH, you didn't tell me you LOST YOUR FUCKING VIRGINITY WHAT THE HELL" She yells into the phone "Jesus calm the fuck down I was getting there." She laughs and looks into the camera "Yea you need Jesus right now, your dads gonna kill you." She says rolling her eyes "Well that's too bad because I don't believe in him." I say smiling. "Anyways, what are you gonna do?" she asks and I look at her with a scared face, just now realizing I have a little shit head growing inside of me.

"Holy shit, i'm a pregnant 17 year old. HOLY FUCK THIS IS AWESOME." "I- Sofie what the hell, so I take it you are gonna keep it." I nod "Yea I think it will be good for me, i'm pretty fucking lonely anyway so yea, why not?" I say looking at her. "Now what the fuck are you gonna tell your dad, he'll flip his shit when you tell him." she says, FUCK what am I gonna do. "Let's move out to New York!" I suggest and she shakes her head ferociously. "Hell no we can't just leave all the sudden." She says.

"It'll be fun, I'll get us a New York penthouse and then when you start making money, you can move out!" I say "Very nice Sofie." she says rolling her eyes. "look I'll- I was about to say but got cut off from hearing the garage open. "FUCK" I scream, I look down at my phone and realize i'm still on Face time. "Fuck um. I go to go talk to you later." I say hanging up on her.

I take the pregnancy test and shove it into my hoodie pocket and throw the box in the cabinet underneath the sink. I throw the bag away and make my way downstairs, to see both of my parents coming inside with their suitcases. "Uh WOW, you two are home early." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well we thought we would be gone longer, but me and your mother got everything taken care of." My dad says with a blank expression. My dad has always been this way, he doesn't joke around and takes everything serious. He always has a cold look on his face and it takes a lot to make the man laugh. He doesn't ever get upset but gets very angry, he doesn't cry either. At his dads funeral the man didn't shed a tear.. Maybe he should see a therapist idk.

"Erm, well I actually have to tell you something!" I say "What's up honey?" My mom asks and they both look at me. I gulp. "I um" I try to choke out "Sorry my mouths quite dry at the moment, I think i'm quite parched do you mind if I- Sofia spit it out." My father cuts me off looking at me with his jaw clenched, clearly annoyed. "I - impregnant" I say quickly.

They both look at each other in confusion trying to figure out what I just said. "What was that Sofia." My dad says, I take a long breath in and let it out "I'm pregnant."

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