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"Hey, can you help me out with dinner?" Kai murmured, pulling Kegan from his light sleep.

Calix responded groggily. "Yeah, but keep it down, please. Don't wanna wake him up," he mumbled, letting go of Kegan.

Instead of faking sleep, Kegan sat up. "Please do not let him cook," he mumbled, pointing at Calix. "I'd like to be able to chew and have my jaw intact."

Kai laughed at that, ignoring Calix's glare. "You wanna come help, Luna?" she asked, leaning against the door frame.

Kegan stood up immediately, following Kai to the kitchen and assisting her in cooking up salmon for Astra. She was craving it apparently and while Kai was a decent cook, she always took Calix's help. Even if he was horrible at it, there was a better chance he'd overcook it as opposed to feeding it to their pregnant pack mate raw.

"Hey, I was cuddling him!" Calix whined from the bedroom. "Kianna, you thief!"

"Oh, fight me, Alpha!" Kai called playfully, linking her arm with Kegan and ushering him to the kitchen to help her.

Kegan giggled at his Alpha's antics, hopping up on the counter. "So dramatic," he mumbled, watching Kai pull her filet of fish out of the fridge. "What're you going to put on it?"

"Put on it?"

Kegan's jaw dropped. "Yes! You need stuff on it for flavor!" he exclaimed, jumping off his perch and running to the cabinet to find stuff to put on it.

As he was searching, the front door to the pack house opened, making Kai and Kegan turn.

Kegan's heart started to race and he backed away, hiding behind Kai. He'd been feeling so confident, but seeing the Alpha who attacked him while he was in heat was terrifying and made him want to shift and sprint as far away as possible.

"You're okay," Kai said, smelling the fear radiating from Kegan. "What're you doing here so early, Tan?"

Tan hung his head in shame. "I have a headache. I wanted to lay down. I had hoped that no one would see me," he said, ashamed.

"Calix made it very clear that you were to only be here when he told you it was safe to," Kai snarled, confusion passing through Kegan.

"Kai?" he asked, earning the Alpha's attention. "Why would he be here at all?"

Kai's nervousness was obvious on her face. She'd never seen Kegan crossed between betrayal and fear, and it was not a look she wanted to get used to.

"Kai?" Kegan pressed, betrayal boiling his blood. "Why would he be here?"

"He lives here," Calix said, emerging from the hallway to his and Kegan's room. "He's only supposed to be here to sleep, meaning he shouldn't be here right now."

Tan hung his head. "I'm sorry, Alpha," he mumbled, inching back away from Calix. "I have a terrible headache and-"

"Get up to your room," Calix snapped, pointing at the stairs. "Now!"

Tan ran up the stairs, happy to escape the tension in the kitchen.

Once he was gone, Calix was shocked to see the anger and betrayal on Kegan's face. "Are you okay?" he asked, not sure why Kegan looked so upset.

"Okay?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" Kegan shouted, making Kai jump away from him, baffled by the language that she'd never heard Kegan use.


"No! Don't 'love' me!" Kegan snarled, Jade coming out in his eyes and showing that the wolf felt the betrayal as well. "He attacked me and scared the hell out of me, and you let him live here without telling me?!"

"He wasn't going to cause you any harm-"

Kegan cut Calix off once again. "Don't give me that! He tried to harm me in the middle of the pack with wolves surrounding us simply because of my scent! What about all the times you left me alone in the room with Astra?! He could've barged in at any time!" he yelled before turning on Kai. "You left your pregnant mate in danger! Did you think she could protect me?!"

Calix didn't know what to say. He'd never seen this kind of anger or fuming from Kegan, and he didn't like it. Especially since Kegan was right; he deserved to know his attacker was in the house. Calix had wanted to keep him from unnecessary panic, but he preferred that to the anger oozing off of his mate.

"You said it yourself that he's young and can't always control his instincts!" Kegan continued.

"Astra would've mind linked us if she thought either of you were in danger," Kai promised, hating how bad Kegan was making her feel as a mate.

Kegan growled once again, eyes flashing lilac and back to brown. "What good would it have done if you were across the pack?!"

"I never left my office," Calix said.

"I still had a right to know," Kegan snapped back. "I was in my weakest, most vulnerable state when I was in that room. Do you not understand that?! I was terrified of everyone and part of me still is!"

Calix shook his head. "You don't have to be. Tan is terribly sorry for what he did, and yes, he's young, but that's not an excuse. He's been training with my father to fight his wolf's power so he'll be safer around unmated Omegas."

Kegan scoffed. "Yeah, because that's all I'll ever be. A stupid, weak, pathetic, worthless Omega," he growled, tears burning in his eyes.


"I didn't ask to be this way!"

Calix narrowed his eyes. "What's wrong with it?"

Kegan laughed dryly, amazed by the stubbornness of the Alpha. "What's wrong with being weak and seen as nothing? What's wrong with your only use being for breeding? Take a wild guess!" he snarled.

"You are not what they made you! Not here!" Calix growled, trying to get his mate to understand how much he cared and wanted to fix the horrible things his mate had experienced.

Kegan shook his head, almost feeling the pulsing of the scars and bruises that were given to him by Leon and his past Alpha. All marks of weakness.

"I will never be anything but what they made me."

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