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"Has Tan said anything yet?" Kegan asked for the fifth time in thirty minutes.

He and Calix were laying on the couch in the living room, the rest of their pack mates in the room with them or the kitchen. After Kegan had told them all what he'd learned, leaving out the personal connection he had to the Alpha of the Red Claw pack, they were all intent to get in contact with Tan, but their pack mate hadn't responded.

"I promise that as soon as he responds, I'll tell you," Calix said, running his hand over Kegan's stomach.

He would've been annoyed had it been anyone else constantly questioning him, but he couldn't be upset with his mate. Not when could've lost him and knew that Kegan cared deeply for Tan.

Alex and Oliver seemed to have gotten comfortable with Calix, which Kegan was grateful for. For the first time, they'd wanted to stay at the pack house with Tali and Lys, meaning they were running around in their wolf forms playing in the living room.

"He's probably still wandering the woods looking for you," Astra said from the rocking chair where she was holding Sirius, her other pup being held by Lys on the floor. "Poor kid's got a hollow skull."

Kegan growled at her. "He was smart enough to come up with a good plan," he spat at her defensively.

"Sorry, Luna," Kai called from the kitchen where she was fixing dinner. "But I was there and I wholeheartedly disagree. His plan had so many holes in it that could've been used as a strainer."

Astra scoffed. "Don't be rude, Kai! He's not here to defend himself!" she scolded, standing up and handing Sirius to Kegan so she could go prepare a bottle for both of her pups.

"He doesn't have a brain cells to defend himself," Tali said through her laughter, earning a smack from Astra as she walked past. "Ow!"

"You deserved it," Lys said when Tali looked to her to defend her. "Don't insult our pack mate. He's risking his life for information right now."

"No he's not, Kegan's already given us the info!" Tali said, rolling her eyes.

Kai laughed at her. "Tali, believe it or not, Kegan leaving does not mean that they stop plotting. Especially now that their pack is double the size and probably pissed off that Kegan managed to escape," she said, opening the oven and pulling out a pan of roasted brussel sprouts.

"Yeah, don't remind me," Calix grumbled, pulling Kegan tighter to his chest and pressing his nose to his hair. "I'll fight all of them."

"Alex! Shift back before you eat!" Lys yelled as Alex climbed up on the table in wolf form. "Damn kids don't listen."

Kegan cradled Sirius his arms. "My kids will or I'll sell them," he mumbled, watching Alex walk up the stairs to Tali and Lys' room in defeat.

"Kegan, no," Calix said with a dry laugh, as Astra came back and handed Kegan the bottle so he could feed the pup. "We don't sell kids."

"I might," Tali said, earning a glare from Lys and a growl from Oliver. "Go shift back and get dressed."

Oliver hissed once more before running off to find his brother, leaving the adults in the room.

Calix and Tali set the table for dinner while Astra and Kegan fed Sirius and Nova. Once they were finished and everyone was seated at the table, the group ate together.

Kegan had grown to love the dinners that his closest friends held in the pack house. It felt like a real family, not just a group of friends. The little family he'd grown to love made Kegan even more eager to mate with Calix and to fully be a part of the pack.

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