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"Stop stressing, you look great!" Tan said, helping Kegan to fix his suit. "You're going to be perfectly fine!"

Kegan nodded, too stressed to speak. He reached for his glass of water, careful not to spill it on his white suit, knowing it'd show. There was a chair in the small pop up tent he was getting changed in, and he collapsed onto it, trying to settle down.

He heard the door to the pop up tent whip open and Astra rushed inside, a grin on her face. She was carrying both of her pups, each carried in a pouch; one her front and one on her back. There was a small box in her hand and she gave it to Kegan.

"Can't believe you almost forgot this, Luna," Astra said, kissing Nova's forehead since she was in the front carrier. "It's only the one thing you were supposed to bring."

Kegan growled at her, but took the box with gratitude. "Thanks," he mumbled, opening the case to make sure his gift was in there.

He'd been taught about the ceremony and what he'd need to do by Astra and Tali, Tan stepping in to assist at the last minute. One of the biggest pieces for the ceremony, since it was both a mating ceremony and the Alpha and Luna ceremony, was an object to symbolize and strengthen their bond.

It was similar to a human's wedding ring, but they didn't like using rings in packs. The objects were symbols of love and a bond, and it often was a handmade gift to be cherished.

Kegan had made a woven bracelet out of a marshy grass that was a deep green with lighter hues. Tali had told him that it symbolized strength and growth, and it was a common material used for weaving gifts when wolves were newly mated.

"He better make you something good," Astra said, panting slightly from carrying her pups. "If not, smack him and walk off the stage."

Kegan closed the box, groaning. "Stop calling it a stage please. It's stressing me out," he mumbled, before moving off of the chair. "And will you please let me take Sirius so you can sit down?"

"Aw, the mothering instinct is taking over!" Astra cooed, having Tan take Sirius out and put him on the ground. "Soon enough you'll have to deal with these little gremlins on your own."

"They haven't even started crawling yet," Tan said, picking up Sirius and grinning at the baby.

Astra glared at him. "Crawling isn't the issue, buddy," she growled. "I haven't gotten a full night sleep in over a month! Either these month old babies are crying or Calix is crying!"

Kegan giggled. "He does get whiny when I fall asleep before he gets laid," he pointed out, making his two pack mates laugh.

"Is he getting lucky tonight?" Tan asked, sitting on the grass and cuddling Sirius, who was cooing and giggling at the Alpha.

"Why is everyone so interested in my sex life?" Kegan scowled. "And how long until we start this ceremony?"

"It's only Luke and Tan who care about your sex life," Astra said bitterly, wrinkling her nose in disgust. "And we have about a half an hour. Luna Jolene will come in to get you."

Kegan was tapping his toe against the ground anxiously. "I'm so scared," he mumbled, starting to pace the room. "What if I mess up?"

"You literally cannot mess up," Tan said reassuringly. "The Alpha will proclaim you two as mates and the Alpha and Luna, you'll repeat some words, give your gifts, pledge loyalties to the pack, and boom, you're good."

"It sounds so easy when you say it!"

Tan and Astra both exchanged eye contact, rolling their eyes at Kegan.

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