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Hello there! Welcome to the wonderful world of autism and neurodivergency. Before we start, a little bit about me and what the heck neurodivergency means. Although I guess that is the start.

Hello, my name is Odd! I'm autistic and ADHD, which means you get a better insight into the world of actual neurodivergents, not a neurotypical writing about it. Fun!
I'm 15, and I always knew I was different. I wasn't bothered by that, so much so I proudly called myself weird and would thank people if they called me weird- and I still do! A lot of my differences stem from my autism and ADHD, which I never actually understood until recently when I went on Tumblr (insert joke here) and found a whole community of fellow autistics. Nowadays I understand the way I am a lot better, and functioning is much easier. I love my parents, but they didn't ever teach me much about it.
So, young autistics/people with autism and fellow neurodivergents, I'm your new mum! I want to help other people understand, neurodivergents or not, and hopefully the world will be a kinder place and you can find ways to help yourself cope.

That's my introduction! Now, if you're completely lost, and have no idea what the hecklestiltskin I mean by neurodivergent, here's an actual explanation.

Neurodivergency means someone who is autistic, has ADHD, Tourettes, OCD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, and so much more! There are tons of different conditions which make you neurodivergent, and none of them are something to be ashamed of! In fact, they are something to be proud of. You're different and unique! That's amazing! And if it does affect you in a negative way, that's still okay! You're still awesome! Being neurodiverse doesn't make you a terrible person, it isn't something you have to overcome, and it usually isn't something that can be cured, despite what some people might say.

And then, we have people who don't have these conditions. They're called neurotypicals, which is probably as boring as it sounds- sorry neurotypicals! I don't know how you work and will never know, just like you'll never know the amazing ways our brains work.
Unless you can swap bodies and gain neurodivergency temporarily. But that's impossible.

Anyways, that concludes this introduction! If there are any subjects you want me to cover, or other neurodivergencies you want me to talk about, let me know in the comments and I will answer down there or, if I know enough about it and understand it well, I'll make a chapter about it! Until next time!


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