A Chapter

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So, this is just a short chapter that I haven't edited at all. Basically a little anecdote about something that just happened to me today.

So, a lot of autistic people can't handle changes in routine. I used to think this didn't apply to me, but I'm starting to understand my autism and myself a lot better, and I'm wondering whether that, amongst other traits, is something that I masked and forced myself to deal with.
Anyway, my new support worker, let's call her S, showed up even though we'd cancelled.
I hadn't been expecting her. I couldn't look at her, I kept chewing  I couldn't speak like I usually can and I didn't know what to do.
For added context, I was home alone and I didn't want to ask why she was here in case that was rude. My mum got back about 10 minutes later and told her I wasn't feeling well.

It's been a little while, and I'm feeling better now. I guess I wanted to share to give you, you being neurotypicals, a better understanding of autism and the way we behave. Just because I am usually verbal and able to cope with sudden change doesn't mean I'll always be fine and able to look at you.

Wear a mask, drink water, and have a good day.

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