Home too soon

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I'll never get to see your precious face or whisper words to make you feel safe

Ill never get to hold you tight when you can't sleep at night

I'll never get to sing sweet lullaby's to calm you down when you cry nor will I get to fall asleep with you in my arms all bundled up in a blanket keeping you warm

Never getting to hear you giggle or see you wiggle all ten toes there's many things I'll never do but the hardest thing will be not being with you

Have you ever spent eight months of your life connecting with a child and getting everything ready for their arrival and giving birth to the bundle of joy you pushed outta your womb thinking everything would be ok but it wasn't my Baby didn't make it

Don't understand how this can be what happened yesterday when I felt him kick to nothing today how does something like this happen why did my baby have to be taken away why god why you take my little boy what did I do wrong i took the vitamins ate healthy, took care of my body I thought as I held my baby close not wanting to let him go crying out it was like I had been drowning here I was wishing this was a dream and he would wake up cry or open his eyes.

As I was wheeled to a room being hooked up to the machine that concentrated on the heartbeat and movement of my baby yet nurses became alarmed when no movement occurred I became angry no one would tell me what was going on what's wrong with my baby killian screamed but it fell on nothing but deaf ears

" hello letoya everything will be fine I'm just going to ask you to relax you'll meet your precious bundle of joy real soon "

Killian held my hand and kissed my lips I was just so exhausted

" ok letoya I don't mean to alarm you but we have to do a emergency c-section I'm sorry we just can't find a heart beat " how could that be y'all just said everything would be good do what the fuck my taxes pay you to do and save my baby pain kept shooting down my lower region killian baby I'm scared

Nurse " I'm sorry sir but I'm gonna have to ask you to wait in the waiting room at this time as we further access your wife " the fuck you mean I gotta be there what's wrong with my child man " I need to be there to comfort her " we understand sir I need you to really calm down if not for you then her I promise to do everything in my power to save that child of yours

Letoya baby

Baby I'll be right here I love you baby girl you hear me

It breaks my heart to know that I came to the hospital with a baby boy  then to leave with nothing but tears  after that day not once have I  heard from killian  it hurts to know I've built a nursery and can't even go in it but what hurt the most. Is that my baby died while giving birth eight and half months for nothing  he's gone and there's nothing I can do about it not once have I left my home slowly falling into depression what do I do now why couldn't god take me instead


Baby Killian markel Jackson he got letoyas last name because killian left the hospital after finding Out

The medical definition of stillbirth is the birth of a baby who is born without any signs of life at or after 20 weeks pregnancy

Stillbirth affects about 1 in 100 pregnancies, and each year about 24,000 babies are stillborn in the United States. That is about the same number of babies that die during the first year of life and it is more than 10 times as many deaths as the number that occur from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

When you loose a child your filled with a life time of wonder

It's been three months since god took my baby without my permission spending my days crying as I began to hate my self smoking weed 3-4 times a day until the high just wasn't feeling right no longer doing it's job as I switched to crystal meth just loving the way it made me feel here I was in a place where I just didn't care about my appearance not like I had a man to keep sext for he left me and lied told me he would always be there I thought as I laughed hysterically it's just funny how things happen so quickly without warning

She holds a conversation with herself

Voice:Toya baby

Yes baby girl

Voice:Don't you want a baby

I do where would I get one

Voice:Don't you remember kadeem trap him I'm sure he misses you

Ouu girl your so smart

Conversation over

You may think I'm crazy but I'm not I'm he only one who has my back ima be a mommy nana boo boo

Let's get this plan in motion

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