Chapter 43- All comes crashing down

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"This way" said the man as we entered the big house.

It had been about half an hour since Tyberias received the text. We had informed his family and Aria and Leona bursted into tears.

Tyberias' dad was furious when he found out and demanded that he wanted 50 men to attack the place where his son was being held hostage. Aria, being the more reasonable one, said it would be a bad idea because they could retaliate and kill Adrian.

So me and Tyberias left Estella at Leona's place to play with Luca and drove over to the place. I tried to call him down on the journey but it was no use.

The man walked us over to what looked like a metal detector and told us to walk through. Tyberias went first and the machine beeped like crazy. Hesitantly, he removed the gun that was tucked into his pants and walked through it again, and no beeps were heard.

It was my turn to walk through and I confidently did so, knowing I didn't have a gun on me. I was surprised to say the least, when the machine beeped for me. I frowned, not knowing what it was that was causing it to beep as I wasn't wearing any jewellery today.

The man held a small, rectangular metal detector in his hand and moved it around my body to see where it was coming from. I pulled away, slightly offended that it started beeping at my breasts.

I mentally facepalmed. I forgot about the pocket knife I had tucked into there. I took it off and the beeps stopped.

The man led us to a big office where he knocked 3 times.

"Mr Ivanov, they're here."

"Let them in." Said a deep voice and we entered the room.

"Aleksei." Tyberias said, shocked that one of his business partners has turned against him. As far as I could remember, Aleksei Ivanov was in charge of the Russian Mafia. He had been allies with Tyberias for years, which is why his betrayal came as even more of a shock.

And then something clicked in my brain. It was him, Aleksei. The man who approached my parents and told them to kidnap me. He must've been planning this throughout the past year.

"Take a seat" Aleksei said and nodded to the two chairs in front of his desk.

I placed a hand over Tyberias' clenched fist. "Come on" I whispered, seeing as he still hadn't moved.

He hesitantly moved to sit down.

"Where's my brother?" Tyberias seethed.

"He's not here. So if you were thinking of having the place raided, all I have to do is make one phone call and he endures a slow and painful death."

"Now, I know you must be angry, but all will be explained. And if you cooperate, no one will get hurt." He continued

"What do you want from us?"

"Mila, come in." Aleksei said, ignoring our question. On cue, a girl walked in with light brown hair and big blue eyes. She was beautiful to say the least, however, she looked petrified.

"This is Mila, my only daughter. She just turned 18 last week, the legal age for marriage." He began but we both stared at him confused. "In case you weren't understanding what I was hinting at, let me make it more clear. In one months time, Tyberias, you will marry Mila and join our families as one. In return, I will let Adrian live. I must also add that when you both get married, I expect you to be fully faithful to each other." Aleksei said, looking between the both of us.

We both stared at him as if he had grown two heads. He wanted Tyberias to... marry her?

"What the fùck? No. I-I'm not marrying her. She's a kid" Tyberias exclaimed, cringing at the nine year age gap.

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