2. Going Camping

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"I'm sure you'll love it there",

mom says hoping to get me pumped for camp.

""I really don't think so..",

I mumble as I put some cereal into a bowl.

"Come on, enough with the grumpiness",

dad says as he pokes me.

"I'm sorry but it's six am, you can't possibly expect me to be happy",

I sigh as I fill the bowl with milk.

"Yeah sorry about that but this was the only camp that wasn't fully booked yet. So we had no choice but to sign you up for this one. But you can sleep in the car",

mom explains.

I sigh and sit down with my cereal. While eating I scroll through Instagram, nothing new on there.

I suddenly get a text from Sarah.

"Have fun at camp <3",

it says.

I love it how she's always there for me.

I close my phone and get ready to leave.

It's a three hour drive to camp, so I decide to take my pillow and a blanked with me. While I'm snuggling on the backseat of the car I plug in my headphones. It's just a matter of minutes until my eyes close.

About an hour later I wake up again, at first I don't understand why but than I realize we've stopped at a gas station.

"Ah you're awake, we made a quick stop to get some more gas. So if you need to use the restroom now is your change",

mom says.

A big yawn releases from my mouth as I'm going over what mom just said. Whenever I'm just awake I always need a minute to process what people tell me.

Now that I'm fully awake I feel that it might be a good idea for me to use the restroom.

While following the signs to the restroom, I'm trying to orient myself.

I have no idea where we are, this camp must be in the middle of nowhere.

As I look at my phone to see what time it is, I notice that I have no signal.

Great, not only is this camp in the middle of nowhere but it also has no signal. Which means there is no way I can stay in touch with the outside world for three weeks.

No friends, no updates on my favorite celebrities and worse of all no Netflix.

Well in all honesty there might be a change the camp has actual WiFi, I hope so or else I packed my laptop for nothing.

I decide to let it go for now and focus on finding the restroom. That's when I realize they're right in front of me.

It's a big relieve to finally pee, as I'm washing my hands I also put some water in my face.

It's already very hot outside, so I really needed the refreshment. I quickly head back to the car and snuggle back on the backseat.

We still need to travel two more hours. I decide to take out my book and read for a while.

"We're almost there",

my moms voice brings me out of my book.

I now notice that I've been reading for one and a half hour. When I look outside I see we're surrounded by woods. A camp in the middle of the woods, seems a bit odd. As we're coming closer I begin to see the camp.

This camp doesn't have separate cabins but just one big building with rooms in it. The building looks pretty old and not welcoming at all.

The walls are covered in weeds and the windows are greasy. It looks kinda creepy if you ask me.

It doesn't look very crowded, there are a few parents kissing their daughters goodbye.

Apparently this camp is girls only, I must have missed that while looking at the flyer.

Suddenly my heart drops, as I'm observing the building I see a shadow behind one of the windows.

What is it doing there?

Who's shadow is it anyway?

Are we being watched?

My mind is already going crazy.

"Well this is it",

dads voice wakes me from my thoughts.

"It looks.. fun",

I can tell mom is lying to make me feel better.

"No it doesn't, it looks terrifying, I've heard some weird things about this place please don't let me stay",

I beg my parents.

"You'll be fine",

dad hands me my suitcase and gives me a kiss on my head.

"Alright.. by mom, by dad I love you",

I sigh and give my parents a hug.

"By honey",

my parents wave me goodbye and get back in the car.

As I'm walking towards the other girls I feel a bit nervous. There are five total, they all looks pretty friendly.

One girl in particular catches my eye, she's a bit distance from the others.

She has brown hair, blue eyes and for some reason a ukulele. She doesn't look to happy, in fact she almost seems scared. That's probably why she's holding one to the ukulele so tight, I decide to walk up to her and see if she's alright, maybe she's homesick.


I say as I walk towards her.

"Oh.. hi..",

the girl stutters.

I now notice she's shaking.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit tense",

I ask carefully.

"I.. I'm fine",

the girl responds while I can see tears shining in her eyes.

"It's okay not to be okay",

I feel really bad for her and want to comfort her.

"I'm Julia",

the girl says quickly while looking to one of the windows.

I can tell by the look in her eyes she's even more frightened. I wonder why or what for.


I introduce myself.

"Do you want to be roommates?",

Julia asks quietly.


I smile.

Julia looks down and fiddles with her ukulele.

"So is it your first time being here?",

I try to make up a conversation.

"Shall I show you our room?",

Julia ignores my question.

"Oh okay",

I say a bit confused.

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