3. Five girls, three hosts

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I follow Julia inside, the halls are long and dark. It kinda gives me chills, do I really need to stay here for three more weeks?! Now it's me who feels homesick, I suddenly feel the urge to go home. Something about this place makes me feel extremely uncomfortable, before I know it I feel tears burning in my eyes. I take out my phone to text mom but there's still no signal and there's no WiFi either.

The way to our room seems endless, just like the silence. Julia hasn't said a word.

"So you always carry that thing with you?",

my voice breaks the never ending silence.

I wanna try to make up a conversation again.

"That thing is a ukulele and it's the only thing I have left..",

Julia seems to be startled by her own words.

"What do you mean?",

I'm a bit confused.

I can tell by the way Julia is trying to come up with an answer, that she wasn't supposed to tell me that.

"It's okay you don't have to tell me",

I calm her down.

"I'm sorry..",

she mumbles.

"It's okay, so you like to play the ukulele huh?",

I change the subject.

"Yeah I've been self teaching since I was seven",

a tiny smile appears on Julia's face.

"Wow that's so cool",

I smile.

"Thank you for being so sweet",

Julia looks down and smiles a little.

By the way she does that I can tell she isn't used to people being nice to her, I wonder why.

Before I can give it more thought we pass by a door. It's a big, brown door and for some reason there's a huge lock hanging in front of it. That's a little odd, just a "keep out" sign would've been enough, right?

What could be in there that needs a big lock anyway?

"Don't ever go in there, it's off limits and dangerous",

Julia whispers as she sees me looking at the door.

"Why? What's in there?",

I ask out of curiosity.

"The basement..",

Julia replies even more quite.

It's almost as if she's scared of it. So again I ask myself, what could possibly be in there that's so scary?

We walk up some stairs and enter another long hallway. But this time we only have to walk half of it.

"Well this is it..",

Julia opens one of the doors and walks into the room.

It's not a really big room, but it's not very small either. It looks kinda cozy. One part of the room is already filled, with Julia's stuff I assume. Her part of the room is a bit messy, almost as if she has already been staying here. Her bed looks slept in and her makeup lies all over a small desk in the corner of the room. I decide to let it go and start unpacking my suitcase. I kinda feel like fool with so many clothes for just three weeks. Wait, where is my laptop? I empty my whole suitcase but it's not there. My mom must have taken it out before I left, at first I'm a bit pissed but than I realize there's no WiFi anyway.

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