#2, Lena Luthor

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Alright so just a quick one, this is still in third person just most of this chapter is centred around Lena for fluidity. Lena's story is mostly the same, just that Lex simply died and left her the company, superman never happened (but Clark is still Kara's cousin)
I will clearly state if the perspective changes.
Lena Luthor had never been the type for friends.

Her harsh upbringing and cold mannered relatives made sure of that, and Lena had learnt to live with it.

That was, of course, until she met Kara.

Lena had had a long day, several meetings bringing down her already perilously below standard morale.

She was sat at her desk, reading through the emails she had received over the course of the day, whilst pining for a warm shower and the feeling of her silk bedsheets against her skin.

"Miss Luthor, you have a visitor," her assistant entered the room, after knocking.

She spoke tentatively, as she knew her boss was having a questionable day, and didn't want to aggravate her further.

The CEO sighed deeply, before mumbling in a low gravely tone, clearly annoyed.

"Send them up, I suppose."

"Of course Miss Luthor," Her assistant replied, swiftly exiting the room to avoid further unnecessary conversation.

Lena ran her hands through her hair, and adjusted the collar of her navy blue suit.

Even though she was having a bad day, she knew that image was important, and that she needed to keep a respectable appearance, whoever her visitor may be.

She was about to shut down her laptop when a knock at her door halted her movement.

She cleared her throat with a deep cough before stating crisply and decisively.

"Come in"

The door swung open slowly, and a woman entered the office.

She was clearly nervous, and jumped slightly when the door slammed shut behind her, which made the CEO smile a little.

"How can I help you?"

The woman stood for several seconds, as if questioning herself, and wrung her hands tightly together, as she furrowed her brows.

"Hi, Miss Luthor. I'm Kara Danvers, from CatCo magazine and I've been sent to ask you a few... um... questions about your latest... changes to the company."

"Well I can't refuse publicity." She replied raising her eyebrow.

Even though she knew she did not have to take the interview, there was something about Kara that intrigued the CEO.

She thought for a fraction of a moment, before gesturing towards the chair in front of her desk.

"Please, sit."

The nervous woman stood opposite her obliged, and sat apprehensively on the edge of the seat, as if she was uncomfortable.

" Is there something wrong, Miss Danvers?"

The blonde reporter's head snapped up from her notepad, and she shook her head profusely.

" No, of course not, why? Am I doing something wrong? Does it look like there's something wrong?" The reporter let out a string of nervous ramble, which sparked a sort of warmth within Lena, though she couldn't put a name to the feeling.

"Don't worry, you're doing fine. Just tell me why you're nervous, because clearly you're not comfortable. Am I making you nervous?"

Kara shook her head again.

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