#6 , Gone

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At some point in the night both women had become cold, reaching lazily in the darkness to pull on some form of clothing.

Lena wore one of Kara's jumpers and some very short shorts.

Kara wore something similar.


The blonde reporter awoke to the sound of birds singing loudly outside the window.

She tried to sit up, but was pinned down by the heavy weight on her chest.

Looking down, she sighed happily as the last nights events returned to her, and she brought her hand up to stroke through Lena's hair.

The CEO's arms were wrapped around her torso, her head on Kara's chest, and their legs intertwined.

Suddenly Kara's door swung open to reveal her roommate.

She took one look at the two girls laying with one another and turned, slamming the door behind her, pulling a suitcase along.

She was going.

They had won.

Kara smiled, content, wanting to be no where else in the world but in that moment.

As the woman on her chest began to stir, she continued to fiddle with her hair.

"Good morning, sleepy."

Lena rubbed her eyes tiredly, and groaned, burying her head further into Kara's chest and hiding from the light bursting through the bedroom curtains.

Kara chuckled slightly letting her arm drop loosely around Lena's waist.

They lay like that for several minutes, simply basking in the closeness and warmth of each other, before Kara tried to sit up.

Lena's grip around the reporter grew tight, silently begging her to stay.

Kara began to tug away once more but to no avail, and so she sighed and gave in to the half asleep woman, re-assuming their previous position, and both falling back into a light sleep.


Alex stood outside Kara's apartment, having already knocked 4 times.

She shouted as loud as she could.

"Kara?! Are you in there?"

There was no reply.

Alex delved into her pocket, pulling out the key Kara had given her for emergencies.

Sure, breakfast wasn't an emergency, but food was a very important part of Kara's life, and Alex was certain she would appreciate it.

Unlocking the door, Alex set the food bag down on the kitchen counter.

She noticed a substantially less amount of mess, which greatly surprised her, as even she knew that Erin was the messy one.

She walked over to the bedroom door, as she guessed that was where her sister would be, and she was right.

What she hadn't guessed, however, was that her sister would be tangled in the bed with her best friend, as if they were lovers.

There was no mistaking the musty smell that hung in the air.

They'd had sex.

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