#4, real or fake?

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Kara was sat in the back of the car Lena had called for them, making their way back to the reporter's apartment.

She picked at the skin on her lips nervously, making them bleed.

The reporter looked down at the blood on her fingers and wiped it against her arms, licking her lips so as to clear away any remainders.

Lena sat beside her, similarly nervous, but instead picking at the loose string of her jacket, pulling it apart.

They sat in complete silence, except for the occasional few lyrics Kara knew, singing along to the radio.

Lena looked over to Kara.

"You're nervous? She asked, tentatively.

"Oh no! I'm just going back to my apartment to purposefully make sex noises with my best friend, why on Earth would I be nervous."

Kara half joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Lena chuckled nervously.

"It will be worth it though, right? Even I can see that this roommate of yours is taking a toll on you, maybe you'll be able to get some proper sleep." The CEO looked over at her best friend, concerned.

Kara reached out and placed her hand atop of Lena's.

"Yeah, it will. But I promise you, I'm ok."
Kara replied, trying to reassure her.

"Don't lie to me Kara."

Kara just sighed, and took her hand off of Lena's.

"No I'm not ok. I've not been ok for a while. I just need her gone."

"I know." Lena looked out the window at the fast moving scenery outside.

She studied each person on the sidewalk, the way they had a bounce in their step, the way they all seemed so... content. Happy with their predicaments.

She didn't understand.


Kara walked into her room, and sat down on her bed.

Her and Lena were playfully joking around, shoving each other across the room, and making as much noise as they could.

After a while, Lena whispered.

"Should we start?"

Kara blushed furiously.

"Uh sure."

Kara started into Lena's eyes, and the CEO winked before opening her mouth slightly.

She moaned deeply and loudly, the sound filling Kara's ears and making her dizzy.

Kara soon followed, matching Lena's moan, if slightly more higher pitched.

They battled for several moments, seeing who could moan louder.

Kara was clearly winning, her clearly fake moans echoing around the room.

Kara laughed quietly.

"I'm sure you can be louder Lee, you're a big girl."

Lena let out another, much more realistic moan, which left Kara startled for several moments.

Lena looked over at her and smirked.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" She whispered.

The last thing the reporter wanted to think about at that moment was her tongue.

Kara simply moaned in response, a low groan which set Lena off too.

Lena wasn't expecting Kara to start moan-talking.

"Fuck, Lena."

This threw Lena off, her eyes growing wide and causing her to gulp loudly.

She decided to repay Kara, by moaning something she knew would make her friend cringe.

She stood up, turned her back to Kara and started to moan. VERY LOUDLY.

"God Kara, your fingers feel so g—"

She was cut off by Kara tackling her from behind, and pinning her against the wall.

They were face to face, so close they could feel the other woman's breath hit their own, heartbeats faster than ever before.

Lena raised an eyebrow.

"Someone's a little flustered." She teased.

Lena had her arms pinned above her head by Kara, the reporters strong grip creating a warm feeling low in the CEO's abdomen.

"Kara." She said breathily.

"Lena." Kara replied, equally as breathily, while clearly posing a question.

Lena simply nodded, and all of a sudden Kara's lips were on hers, months of repressed feelings being channeled into the kiss.

It was hungry, nothing about it was soft, both women desperate for the closeness, to feel one another.

Kara swiped her tongue against Lena's bottom lip, silently asking for entrance.

When Lena's lips remained sealed, Kara bit down lightly on the other woman's lip, eliciting a deep, real moan from the CEO.

Of course, this also set the reporter off, their moans in sync, real this time. Oh so real.

Sorry to leave it on such an intense scene oops.

Gotta create some suspense, a reason to read the next chapter😈 hehe.

This one is clearly much shorter than the previous chapters, but it felt like a good note to leave it on and well uh that's my choice hehe.

If you enjoyed it make sure to follow my twitter—sxperlxthor

If you notice any mistakes please don't hesitate to tell me, I will not be offended
(Word count : 781)

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