11, Epilogue

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Niamh- pronounced neev
Roisin- pronounced ro-sheen

It was about a year and a half into their relationship when Lena started sneaking around and being secretive.

In the beginning Kara ignored it, her blind trust in her girlfriend overthrowing any doubts she developed.

Not that it didn't worry her, of course it did.

Their relationship had had it's bumps, as any normal relationship would, often fuelled by Lena's intense trust and abandonment issues, and sometimes by Kara's sheer obliviousness.

But they worked through it together, and were at a point where they had more faith in each other than ever before, and everyone around them could see it.


Kara first noticed Lena's increasingly sneaky behaviour when Eliza, her adoptive mother, called to say Lena had left her jacket at her house.

Kara frowned, deep in thought.

They hadn't been to visit Eliza recently, which must have meant that Lena went on her own.

But why?

Kara shook her head, there must have been a valid reason for the CEO to visit, and so she pushed it to the back of her mind and decided to ask about it later.

By the time Lena had got back to their now shared apartment, (formerly Kara's)  the reporter was asleep and had completely forgotten about the subject the next morning.


The second time it happened she started to take more notice of it.

Kara came back into the living room from the bathroom, only to find Alex and Lena huddled close on the couch talking in hushed voices and clearly co-conspiring about something.

It continued until Kara loudly cleared her throat, and both women jumped apart to opposite ends of the sofa.

"Hey Kar, we were just Uh-" Alex started.

"Talking about what to have for lunch." Lena finished, not meeting Kara's gaze.

"And you needed to whisper for that?" Kara asked, obviously noticing that something was up.

Both women nodded furiously, trying a little too hard to convince her.

"Ok then." Kara sat down. "What did you decide on."



They both spoke at the same time, and then looked at each other.

"Chinese." Lena said a little more confidently, and Alex nodded.

Kara huffed at the notion they were keeping something from her, but once again, tried to push it to the back of her mind.

Only this time she didn't forget it, and it sat in her thoughts for days after, worried that everyone knew something she didn't.


Her fear was only reinforced by all of her friends hesitancy around her.

Their shared questioning looks and unnaturally light conversation, as if they were waiting for her to confirm something before they all spoke about it.

She let it go on for a couple of weeks before she gave in to her worry and decided to ask.

They were stood outside Kara and Lena's apartment at the end of their night out, all waiting to say their goodbyes

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