╰ • five • ╮

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Micah and Buck sat at the island in her kitchen, drinking coffee and talking about anything and everything. That is until he looked over at her from his mug.

"Okay," he started. "So, graduation is coming up?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

She nodded her head. "It is."

"Are you excited?"

"Honestly," she smiled. "Yeah, but I'm a little scared about what house I'll get. Like I want to go to 118 because I know mostly everyone, but what if there's a rule like in the military. Like their own version of the Sullivan's rule that they made after the second World War?"

Buck raised another brow. "Which is what, exactly?" He asked causing Micah to let out a small chuckle.

"The Sullivan brothers enlisted for the war around the time of Pearl Harbor. Two of them had served together prior to that and when that happened they went back in with the three youngest brothers and two friends of theirs." She explained carefully as she let out a sigh.

"They all got in and asked to stay together, the seven of them. During a battle in the South Pacific and they all ended up dying. Now they don't put siblings, married people, basically anyone related to someone in the military, in the same unit. That and I personally think that it would interfere with the mission in the long run and nothing would get done." Micah finished and it was Evan's turn to sigh.

"Damn, I had no idea." Buck started, before getting quiet for a second as he looked back down at his mug. "What if I asked Bobby to request for you to come to the 118?"

"But would it work?" She tried to reason with him.

"Couldn't hurt to try." He replied.

She shrugged. "Sure, you can give it a try."

He got up going into another room while pulling his phone out of his pocket calling Bobby to see if there was anything he could do. She sat there waiting for Evan to come back from his phone call, anxiously. She subconsciously bounced her leg and when he came back she got a sick feeling in her gut.

"He said he would try, that it shouldn't be that hard since you have the highest rankings in your class." He sits back in his seat and takes a sip of his coffee.

"Of course I do. If I start something, you know me, I have to be the best and do what I can to be the best that I can be."

"Makes sense, you are a Buckley after all." Evan smirked making Micah snort a laugh.


She stood in line, dressed in her uniform. This time she was getting her firefighters badge. She smiled to herself as the instructor called her name. There was someone from every firehouse in the Los Angeles area.

Evan stood over to the side a few feet from three more people from other houses. He had his arms behind his back and stood to attention. The siblings made eye contact and he gave her a wink. She gave him a proud smile.

She wanted this so god damn badly. She was ready for a new chapter in her life and this is going to be it.

"Buckley, Michelle." The instructor called out walking over to her with a badge in hand. "Congratulations," he pinned it to her shirt. "House 118." He read off his clip board afterwards.

She smiled and walked over to her brother. After everyone was place to their houses and could go she hugged Evan. "I'm proud of you kid. Way to go."

"Thanks, Buck." She smiled again when they pulled away from one another.

"Lets get going. We'll go get drinks and have everyone meet us after shift."

"Lets just have everyone come over to my house. I'm not a huge fan of being in bars with so many people." She suggested instead. "We'll get there one day though, promise."

in the line of fire // Eddie DiazWhere stories live. Discover now