╰ • seven • ╮

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I'm so sorry for not updating in months you guys! Please don't be too mad. Thank you for reading In the Line of Fire and and showing it some love. I'm currently working on another story and trying to find more inspiration for this book.

I'm sorry this took so long to write but I was in a hard time trying to find how to end of this chapter. Writer's block is a serious pain in my ass. But I'm already working on Chapter Eight as this is being posted, seeing as I've got the motivation to do so but it could take a few days.

But without further ado and a long wait, here is Chapter Seven.

- Jacey


With both if them having the day off, Hen and Micah sat in Hen's house, at her dining room table, drinking a cup of coffee having a bit of a girls day, chatting about.

"So, how are you liking being at the firehouse?" Hen questioned the girl sitting across from her.

"I love it. Being close with a group like this is great." Micah smiled with a nod of the head.

Hen gave the younger girl a barley noticable, sad smile. She knew what Micah meant and figured it was something the woman didn't necessarily enjoy discussing and wasn't going to be bringing it up any time soon for the sake of the girls sanity.

"I'm glad your liking it." Hen smiled at her. "And to be completely honest with you, you're doing a lot better than your brother did his first couple of months."

"I've heard most, if not all of the stories." Micah nodded her head with a little laugh at the end. "He's been a pain in the ass for everyone involved since before I was born and still is."

"Honestly, I think he will be forever." Hen laughed along with the girl.

"It'll be fine," Micah waved her hand. "If no one's killed him yet, and he hasn't gotten any of you killed, everyone's fine."

Hen nodded her head in agreement with her. "But with his dumbass-ness it could be just be a matter of time."

"Maybe, but I'll be there to back you guys." Micah smiled at her.


Jogging back to her house, she was on a small mission to get her water. Slowing to a walking pace she made it to her front door, using her phone to turn up her music and walked inside.

Going to the kitchen she grabbed her water bottle and took a drink as someone walked up behind her, putting a hand on her shoulder. This scared the woman causing her to grab the person by the wrist and flipping the mystery person over her shoulder. As they were groaning on the ground, she noticed it was her brother rolling on the floor in pain.

"Oh my god, Evan?" She sat her water bottle on the counter as she took out her earbuds and squatted down to his level to check on him. "I'm so sorry! I didn't hear you come in. What the hell were you thinking?"

Buck laid there gasping for air for a couple of seconds before he responded. "What makes it even better is your lover boy even told me not too." He wheezed.

"Huh? Eddie?" Micah said confused turning around seeing her boyfriend and Christopher standing there. "Hey guys." She waved sheepishly at them.

Chris waved back enthusiastically at her still giggling. Eddie just gave a small laugh at her after watching her quite literally flip her brother over her shoulder, with little to no effort. She stuck out a hand to Evan and helped him to his feet after he excepted her help. She apologized once again as she walked over to Eddie and Christopher, giving Eddie a kiss on the cheek and Chris a kiss on top of his head.

in the line of fire // Eddie DiazWhere stories live. Discover now