Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was a few weeks after the battle of New York.

The city was slowly recovering and the now so called Avengers were trying to figure out their place with one another. Director Nick Fury kept in contact with the heroes and was aiming for a more long term deal with them.

For now the man was aiming for residence in the tower for all of them so that all the heroes were nearby when they were needed again. Right now the heroes would come and go, but nothing had been arranged so far.

So that's why Fury had called on a meeting at the tower at the crack of dawn. Great.

After Tony, Cap was the first to arrive. "Ah Capsicle, good to see you again!" Tony called, faking excitement.

"Hey Tony" The man replied casually. God, how that man was able to function at this hour was beyond him.
"How is life in the twenty first century treating you?" Tony asked.

"Well, it's a lot of adjusting but I'm learning new things everyday" He said happily. Always the enthusiasm and positivity, no wonder his father liked him so much...

The man had grown on him a bit since the whole aliens attacking New York thing, but it was difficult from time to time to deal with his never ceasing optimism.

They sat down at long glass table, overlooking the city. The silence was... not even that awkward. It wasn't long before the others arrived as well. Clint and Natasha of course arriving at once and on the dot. Bruce following two minutes later. Thor was, probably saving the Universe somewhere, and wasn't able to come but that would be a problem for a different time.

Of course, Mr. Pirate was taking his sweet time so Tony stood up from the table and walked over to the ceiling-high windows avoiding the gazes from his fellow Avengers.

Around ten minutes after their agreed time, Nick Fury walked in, while also holding a strange colorful object.

He walked directly over to Tony without addressing the others. They all looked a bit confused and were trying to get a glance at what he was holding.

"I believe you lost this Stark. Please try not to let your things lie around next time." Fury said while holding up, what looked to be a almost rainbow colored... Giraffe plushie?

"You found him!" Tony said a little excited and what could be seen as relief. Fury then pushed the object in his hands before walking over to the head of the table. The other Avengers however were still looking towards Tony to try and figure out what he had to do with a stuffed animal.

The man in question didn't even look at them, although you couldn't really see his eyes through his purple colored glasses anyway, and pocketed the thing. The head of the plushie was still sticking out of his pocket but the man was paying no further attention to it.

He had looked a bit tired earlier, but now he just looked happy and more relaxed.
Before anyone could put more thought into it, Fury addressed them and started their meeting.

"Good morning Avengers. I have summoned you all here today to discuss some new arrangements to the whole Avenger deal.
Just three weeks ago you have successfully managed to stop an Alien attack on New York. The damage that has been done during this battle has caused concern with a lot of people and that is why I would like to discuss some new terms with you.

As of now Stark will be providing you with your own living quarters at the tower. By doing this you will not only be together might you be needed again but it could also gain us some trust with the people. Stark and I have been discussing this matter and he has arranged some places for you to live in this tower.

Tony Stark : Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist and...... Father?Where stories live. Discover now