Chapter 4

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The days after the press conference were pretty normal and relaxed. Tony had been a bit more present, but what stood out the most was that he now carried an easy smile again.

He would still be missing for hours at the time each day, but he also made time to be with the team a little more. It still wasn't much, but at least they could get to know each other a bit more.

After the press conference both the media and civilians seemed to be satisfied as well. New York was recovering quicker than before and life seemed to be returning to the city that never sleeps.

About a week after the conference, the team was summoned yet again by Nick Fury for an official meeting. They all had their suspicions it would be either about the HYDRA base they'd been looking into or the press conference.

Tony for once, was early this time. He greeted his teammates with a smile and stepped into the room with confidence.

Some time later, after Nick Fury was done talking, it was Tony's turn to take control. As far as they knew, Tony had been hacking into cameras and other technology around and inside of the abandoned building to see if it was worth exploring.

Tony walked towards the head of the table and grabbed his phone from his suit pocket. As he pulled out his phone, something dropped to the ground. The man's smile turned nervous for a quick second before he bent down and picked the thing up. No one had been able to see what it was from how quickly the man hid the item. Steve, however was now frowning at Tony.

Perhaps he did see what it was...

Tony continued like nothing happened, showing the hologram map of the place. So far the building seemed to have been abandoned for a long time, but with something like HYDRA you could never be too sure. He had also managed to get ahold of some files, but all of it was coded and seemed to be nothing important.

They continued to discuss what to do next and how to infiltrate the base.

"I think it's best if we handle quickly. Maybe even leave tomorrow morning." Steve suggested.

"I agree... Who know what they might be up to" Clint continued.

"We could indeed leave tomorrow, but that would mean you guys aren't as prepared as I would like." Fury argued.

"Since when do you care about our well-being?" Clint laughed.

Natasha ignored him and simply rolled her eyes. "If we go tomorrow we're going to be relatively early. The base only popped up on our radars recently right?" Natasha argued back.

"Don't you think that is a bit strange either then?" Bruce said.

"Our scans are up and running every single day. The reason this base was visible now could be anything from a mistake on their side to our tech finally breaking through their security. Seeing as the base is mostly empty I think it's because of its age. It is definitely worth exploring" Nick said.

"But are we able to infiltrate it, Fury?" Steve questioned. It was clear to all why the man was eager to jump on this case. Going in unprepared would be dangerous, but waiting longer could be dangerous as well.

"Mr. Pirate over here was almost right" Tony interrupted. "Seeing from what I've found, the building is indeed old. They tried to hide it inside of a mountainside but recent weather conditions and a small earthquake caused the base to get exposed. You might not find any agents that could give us more information, but we could learn more from what you guys would find"

"Alright." Natasha said, crossing her arms in what seemed to be her signature move at this point. "But what do you mean with 'you guys''? Are you not coming with us?

Tony Stark : Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist and...... Father?Where stories live. Discover now