Chapter 10

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The finale! And it's a long one :)

Note: slight trigger warning (TW) to mentions of depression. It's not major I think, but be aware and take care of yourself <3

This is the finale, so be prepared!

"Her name was Mary. Mary Fitzpatrick.
I thought she was the love of my life. She was the mother of my child but..."

"Tony you don't have to do this now" Steve interrupted.

"No, I feel like I do. I don't think I can tell everything on my own just now, but... I at least need to get some of it off my chest."

"If you're sure" Clint assured.

"Her name was Mary Fitzpatrick. She died when Peter was just six months old... I thought she was the love of my life, but turns out I was wrong. Very wrong.
She was a scientist. A good one as well. She had just recently broken up too and..."

Tony stared off into the distance, fumbling with his hands and words.

"Our relationship... It all went very fast. We met at a bar, we were broth drunk, she gave me her phone number and left. We got together after just two weeks of dating. We uh... She... S-She wanted kids. Always wanted kids and I-I fell for it. She..."

"Tony, Tony. Calm down. We'll talk about this when we get back okay?" Bruce rejoined.

He nodded and slumped in his chair. He never even realised he had fallen asleep, until Steve shook him awake announcing their arrival.

He stood up quickly and staggering a bit, but Steve grabbed his arm, before he could stumble.
The sun was just about to go down so Peter was maybe still awake, especially if Rhodey knew they were coming.

The team quickly gathered in the elevator, luckily no one had gotten hurt so a trip to the Med-Bay was unnecessary.

"To the penthouse, JAR" Tony rushed out.

They rode the elevator up in silence, Tony's eyes shooting around the confined room and fumbling with his hands. After what felt like forever, JARVIS announced their arrival.

Tony squeezed himself through the doors, quickly hurrying towards the living room where he could see Rhodey and faintly hear Peter.

He rounded the corner, eyes immediately fixed on his son standing at the table.
He didn't even really notice Rhodey getting up from the couch and the others walking up behind him.

Peter quickly noticed his father, oblivious to his wild and worried eyes.

"Peter..." Tony breathed out

"Dada!" Peter called out excited, waving his hands around in glee.
He let go of the table, now standing on two chubby legs without any support.

Tony's smile widened at the sight.

"Hi Dada!" He called out again. The next thing that happened surprised everyone. Peter waved again, taking two tiny steps forward before falling down, but still catching himself.

Rhodey laughed in disbelief, Tony just stood shocked before quickly moving forward and picking Peter up. He kissed his son all over his soft face, making him giggle at the scratchy beard.

Tony Stark : Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist and...... Father?Where stories live. Discover now