Chapter 2 - Visit to Earth

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As Loki sat on the bench watching the apartment block waiting, the sunshine played across his face as it fell through the branches of the trees highlighting his pale skin against his black hair.  He didn’t have to wait long though for after about 10 minutes he was rewarded when he saw Jane coming down the steps of the building.  Slowly he got up and followed at a safe distance, as she walked off down the street.  Jane walked for about 15 minutes and then took a seat at a table on the pavement outside a Café.  Just in case anyone recognised him and so as not to be seen by Jane Loki quickly positioned himself out of sight but close enough to watch and listen.  They had been there just a few minutes when another girl walked over to join Jane at her table. 

“Hi Jane good to see you again” she says a smile lighting up her face.

“Hi Jenny it’s good to see you too” Jane replied.

After sharing a hug the two girls made their selections from the menu giving their order for coffee and breakfast to the waitress.  Loki was surprised to find himself studying Jane’s companion with some interest, he shook his head this was not like him and it gave him an odd feeling of unease.  Jane’s friend was small in build like Jane but her hair was jet black like his but much longer, it fell down over her shoulders, he noticed how the breeze gently moved it as she sat there.  She was casually dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt and had the most piercing blue eyes Loki had ever seen.  He moved his position slightly in order that he could listen in on their conversation easier without it becoming obvious that he was listening. 

After their initial general chit chat about the weather and work Jenny asks “So Jane, when do I get to meet the handsome hunky Thor you keep talking about? You can’t keep him to yourself forever you know.  I mean seeing him on the news is one thing but I’d kinda like to meet the real thing, plus“ Jenny pauses “you still haven’t told me what it’s like up there on Asgard”.

Jane laughs “so many questions that you need answers to.  Well, Thor has promised to pay a visit on Saturday next so I guess if you’re free I might introduce you then” she pauses and looks straight at her friend.  “As for Asgard it is so very beautiful.  It’s just as Thor had described it to me in New Mexico but his words did not do justice to the real beauty of Asgard.  At the same time as being beautiful it is also excitingly scary because they are so advanced to us in many ways.  Their children play with technology that our scientists only dream of knowing about.  Asgard has a large population, there are the warriors who spend most of the day training, then you also have the trades people and of course all of their family members” Jane takes a sip of coffee “then of course you have the royal Asgardian household itself”.

“So come on then Jane what are his family like?  You told me his mother died recently but what is his father like? And have you seen that brother of his that caused all that trouble? Did he get put in prison?  He deserved some sort of punishment.”

“Oh yes I have met Loki a few times” Jane pauses “I’ll start with his father.  Odin is just a typical king really he has all the worries that any ruler here on Earth would have although he is not too keen on us Earthlings.  Then there was Thor’s mother Frigga as you say she died not long ago, she was very beautiful, but also clever and brave.  I was really fortunate that I got the chance to meet her before she died because she taught me so many things I would never have found out about otherwise” Jane sighs.

“What did she teach you?  Things about Asgard and its customs?”

“Yes she talked to me loads about the ways of Asgard, its customs and its people but,” Jane took a drink of her coffee before putting the cup down on the table.  “I think the most important thing that she taught me was actually the truth about Thor’s brother Loki”.

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