Chapter 3 - Accident

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Loki shot to his feet intending to follow Jane again however, as he stepped onto the pavement he saw to his horror that as her friend Jenny was crossing the road a car was speeding straight for her.  Loki was sure that the driver either couldn’t stop or hadn’t seen her as he showed no sign of slowing down.  He didn’t consciously intend to do anything but as he stood there he used his magic to try to stop the car from hitting Jenny.  Loki was confused the car wasn’t stopping, why did he feel so weak?  His magic was there but not as strong as normal then he suddenly realised why.  It was because he was actually still on Asgard, what he was attempting to do was to use his magic through a projection of himself.  Loki could not stop the car all he was able to do was to place a magical protective shroud around Jenny and hope it would work.  The car hit her sending her up into the air and then crashing on to the bonnet before the driver managed to stop.  Loki’s shroud hadn’t managed to protect her completely but it had done some good, she was hurt but not as much as if he had done nothing. 

As he watched Jane run over to her friend Loki felt himself being pulled, someone was in his chambers on Asgard trying to rouse him.  He tried to resist he wanted to remain to see if she was okay, but couldn’t he felt the pull again and this time he was on his way back to Asgard. 

“And just where might you have been Loki” it was Thor an angry expression on his face as he waited leaning on Loki’s desk as Loki stirred on his bed.

He sits up as he wakes “I don’t know what you mean” he replies as he gets up from the bed.

“I came to visit you and couldn’t rouse you so I went and checked with Heimdall who said you were using your magic to visit Midgard”.

“So what if I did Thor” Loki retorted.  “I didn’t cause any trouble as Heimdall will verify, I just needed to go there to find out some answers”.

“And” Thor questioned “Did you find the answers you needed?”

“I’m not sure” Loki said closing his eyes as he considered Thor’s question “I think I need to do some more research and thinking before I can be sure”.

Thor looked at him suspiciously “What are you up to Loki?”

“Nothing I told you” Loki snapped.  “I had been talking to Heimdall and took his advice and went in search of the answers to my questions” he says picking up a book, walking over to the balcony and settling himself into his chair.

Bemused by the way Loki had resumed his far off lost look Thor decided to go and speak to Heimdall again himself to find out exactly what Loki had been doing on Midgard.

Back on Midgard Jane watched as the nurse settled Jenny into bed and connected her to the monitor.  When the nurse had left Jane turned to Jenny “How are you feeling?”

“Very sore and extremely sleepy due to the strong pain killers they have given me”.

“Well according to the Doctor you are one very lucky lady” Jane smiled at her friend and was glad to see her return the smile.

“I don’t know what you mean Jane?”

“Well although you have lots of bruises, some cuts and a sprained wrist considering the speed at which that car hit you, well let’s just say the Doctor said you should be critical or dead and yet here you are conscious, joking and smiling with me” Jane looked at her friend a broad smile on her face.  “Now that’s a magic trick worthy of the God of Mischief Loki himself”.

Jenny blushed at Jane’s words “I know you are going to think I’m crazy or I bashed my head harder than they think in the accident, but I’m not crazy and I didn’t hurt my head okay and they didn’t miss anything on the x-rays either.  It’s just please don’t laugh but just before the car hit me I had the weirdest feeling” Jenny stopped she closed her eyes trying to remember how she had felt as the car hit.  “It was as if someone was wrapping a blanket around me to protect me somehow”.

“Wrapping a blanket round you” Jane frowned.

“See I knew you would think I’d gone potty or something”.

“No I didn’t say that did I, if that’s what you felt that’s what you felt” Jane said but her mind was racing.  Could Heimdall have somehow seen what was going to happen and got Thor to do something.  However, Thor didn’t possess any magic and she didn’t think Loki would have helped, she must remember to tell Thor on Saturday he might be able to shed some light on the matter.

Thor arrived at the Bifrost and was welcomed by Heimdall. “Good evening Thor, it appears that tonight it is you that has something on your mind not Loki?”

Thor walked to the gateway “Loki is what is on my mind” Thor said.

“Ah yes, I’m afraid that he has a very troubled mind at present.  He has many questions that he is trying hard to find answers for”.

Thor turned to look at Heimdall “what questions can Loki possibly have?  He knows exactly what damage and chaos he has caused in the past and why he was wrong to do it.  Loki has paid the price in the dungeons and he should be satisfied that he is no longer in his cell”.

“You think Loki should not question anything any more, but that is where you are wrong Thor”.  Heimdall joined Thor at the gateway.  “It is only by questioning things that he will discover his true self and be able to accept his rightful place in life.  Your love for the mortal Miss Foster is one of the things he questions he cannot understand how it is you care so much for her.  Then the talk I had with him recently has brought forth more questions in his mind such as to why some mortals have inner strength above and beyond that which they should have.  Loki paid Midgard a visit today hoping to gain answers to those questions, he did find some answers but I am afraid to say that he also now  has new questions he brought back from Midgard on his return”.

“Loki brought back more questions today?  How can that be, you have just told me he went there to find some answers.”

“He did go there for answers and trust me Thor Loki did find many answers that he needed but…..” Heimdall paused “It is not for me to say any more.  When Loki is ready he will tell you both the answers he has found and the questions he has brought back with him.  For now I will just say that Loki did no harm today on Midgard in fact, for one particular mortal it was a very good job he was there” and with that Heimdall resumed his place on guard.  Thor looked quizzically at Heimdall but he remained silent obviously he thought it was not his place to tell Thor what was on Loki’s mind.

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