Chapter 9 - Helping A Lost Soul

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Loki motioned with his arm indicating that she could join him so Jenny walked over to the tree and sat down next to him.  He was still watching her every move as Jenny settled herself against the tree, by now her heart was racing and so she closed her eyes hoping that by not looking at him it would slow down and go back to normal.  They sat there for a while in silence the breeze softly blowing through the trees rippling the leaves on the branches.  Jenny could feel Loki’s eyes still on her he still hadn’t said a word and so she kept her own eyes shut not wanting to risk looking into those incredible green eyes, she wasn’t sure she could handle that in her current nervous state.  At least he hadn’t run off or told her to go away.   Jenny was unsure of how many minutes passed as they sat there when finally Loki found his voice “how did you get here and why are you here Jenny?”

“I was invited by Thor.  He thought I might like to see for myself where my best friend Jane will soon be living as Queen” she smiles “I have to say that having been given the grand tour of Asgard and the palace, you are very lucky to live in such a very beautiful place Loki”.

“Thank you I’m glad you have enjoyed your tour of Asgard but what I meant was why here? With me in the forest this is not normally included in a grand tour.”

“Well let’s see” Jenny tries to work out what to say she opens her eyes looking up at the branches above her.  “After the tour I felt the need to clear my head a bit due to information overload so, I thought I might go for a walk on my own somewhere quiet.  When I mentioned it to Thor he offered to show me to the forest as he thought I might like it here, he was right I do.”  Jenny smiled and looked at Loki out of the corner of her eye “by the way Loki, just so you know you’ve caused quite a stir back at the palace, everyone is looking for you apparently no-one seems to know where you are.  It appears they worry about you because you favour your own company a little bit too much these days” she paused knowing this was the make or break moment, “and so if that is the case and I’m disturbing you tell me I won’t be offended if you want me to leave, you only have to say the word and I can always move on or go back the way I came”.

“No please wait” Loki quickly says, “you don’t have to go.  You are right I do prefer my own company, now more than ever but”, Loki paused he really did want her to stay but he really couldn’t think why.  ”I would however enjoy your company very much” he broke off finally taking his eyes from her face.   

Realising he was no longer looking at her Jenny brought her eyes down from the branches “as I said before at least I know now why you didn’t want me to know your name.  It would have been a bit of a give-away as to who you really were and of course, you couldn’t risk me telling Jane as you weren’t supposed to be on Earth in the first place.” Jenny giggled she couldn’t help herself making Loki glance back at her as she said “it was kinda cool you know finding out that I had been protected by an actual Asgardian God who then came to keep me company in hospital”.  Loki noticed something as he looked at her, he was sure he caught the hint of a mischievous smile playing across her face which intrigued him.  They sat in silence for a while Jenny looking out over Asgard while watching Loki out of the corner of her eye.  He seemed lost in thought so she turned to him “Penny for them Loki”.

                “What?” Loki turned his head towards her his green eyes looking straight into her blue ones. Jenny felt herself blush and she was sure her stomach had just done another somersault she couldn’t understand why she felt like this around him never in her life had any man had this affect on her.

Jenny looked down at her hands and as her arm ached again she rubbed it “it’s just a saying we have on Earth.  It is what you say to someone when you want to know what they are thinking about” Jenny looked back at him giving him one of her warmest smiles hoping that he would understand that she wanted to help him in any way she could.  Loki was confused why was this mortal being so kind to him?  “You don’t have to tell me Loki I know it’s none of my business it’s just that, well judging by the look on your face I’d say they were painful thoughts or memories and sometimes it can help you know to talk to someone, share the problem so to speak.  We have another saying on Earth a problem shared is a problem halved”.  Loki sighed deeply closing his eyes how nice it would be to talk to someone about how he was feeling, but how could he tell her all that he felt.  All that he had experienced in his life all the pain but then he thought, maybe just maybe, this was one person who might understand at least part of what he felt.  Jenny thought Loki looked confused so she reached across and placed her hand on his arm “Oh by the way I almost forgot, I must thank you Loki I am really enjoying your book I promise I’ll let you have it back soon”.  Loki opened his eyes and looked down at Jenny’s hand resting on his arm.  Jenny realised she probably shouldn’t have touched him like that he was royalty after all “I’m sorry” she said and went to pull her hand away but instinctively Loki reached for her hand and slowly entwined their fingers together a small smile playing on his face.

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