1: Nicebum

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A/N: Not every chapter has a TW even if it deserves one. Keep that in mind. Please excuse anything that might seem offensive, I really don't mean it! Ily all, thanks for reading :)

Peter P.O.V

I sit at the top of a building, looking down at the city below.

The lights from the cars stuck in traffic look like gemstones, and the cars rocks, the roads animal paths. It's cool how everything can be compared to nature.

I use my spidey-senses to listen for a police siren, a gunshot, or anything related to crime. I just need a distraction.

While I wait, I take my time to stretch. The movements hurt me, making me wince. Even with my speed healing, I have a few bruises leftover from May's beating when I came home, and Flash and his gang, not to mention the small cuts on my stomach.

I work through different stretches, pulling my aching muscles as far as they can go.

I have my mask off, giving me better and easier air to breathe. It's laying on the edge of the building, off the ground so I don't get dirt in my eyes.

A police siren rings through the air and I jump up, adrenaline rushing in. I snatch my mask from the ground and fit it on my face, pulling up my hood at the same time. As I jump off the building, I laugh and shoot my web, swinging into darkness.


I crawl through the window feet first, landing soundlessly in the hall. I look both ways before taking off my mask and hood, stuffing it in my bag.

May said she wouldn't be home until morning, her shift extended from a new wave of patients so she's working overtime. So when I open the door to see her sitting on the couch, I let out a noise of surprise.

"M-may, you're here." My voice quivers. I feel my heartbeat double, pumping more blood to my face and freezing my brain.

May slowly stands, making sure to take her time setting down her beer bottle. "I am. And were you not." She starts to walk towards me and I finish walking in, closing the door.

I know she didn't say that out of worry. I'm sure she would be glad if I ran away, probably celebrate with alcohol. But I can't run away. Because... I'm not sure. I'm scared. And my fear is what stops me from leaving, and since I don't leave, since I'm still here, she continues to torture me. So I know, what comes next is inevitable.

She smacks me across the face. I have to take a step back from the impact and force, and to hold my cheek in pain. She tells me how I'm a horrible person. She punches me in the arm and I cover my head, letting her kick and punch me until I think I might fall apart. She yells at me that I'm a selfish child, that no one loves me, and how no one will ever care about stupid little Peter. The worst part is: I believe her.

When she takes a step back, I have a metallic taste and wet cheeks.

"Never be late again." She walks away, and I slowly peek through my bruised arms and see her down the rest of the beer. "No dinner. Get in the closet." She says.

When she walks to the kitchen and waits, I pick myself up off the ground, making sure to keep my bag. I slide into the closet, landing on shoes that prod into my bruises. May stands above me, and says, "To teach you a lesson." Then she closes the closet and locks it, leaving me in darkness.

I pull out my phone when I hear her door slam shut, and notice text messages. I unlock my phone and read it.


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