10: a chapter of betrayal and VSCO TikTok

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Peter P.O.V, the next day

I'm at my locker, trying to get it open. Most of the people in the halls have left, and I'm one of the only people left. School is over, and the students get out as quickly as possible.

"Well look who it is! Penis, Parker! The biggest loser there is!" Booms Flash and I look over. He's walking down the hall with his arms out like he's displaying something. My shoulders automatically go up to my ears, and all I can feel is dread. Oh no.

"We didn't get any homework Flash," I say, trying to persuade him to leave. "And you know I have no money."

"Of course you don't! You're broke! You're a filthy peasant with a dead family. So of course you don't have money, unlike some people. I'm not an idiot." He says, and now he's a meter away.


"Flash, please not today, I have an internship--"

"What's that? An internship? What's is it for, being a garbageman? It fits!" He laughs meanly.

"You are a loser, Puny Parker." He spits and punches me on the face. I grab my cheek and he pushes me to the ground. His goonies surround me slowly, menacingly. "Loser."

And then they start to kick me, in my face, my stomach, my legs, my back. At one point I hear a little crunch and know they've broken my nose again. I feel the blood pour down my face. I'm curled up with my hands over my head so I won't get brain damage or something.

"Hey! Stop it!" Shouts someone. I'm groaning on the floor, and when their feet stop kicking, it feels like heaven. There are some thunks and I hear flash go "What the hell man!" and then Flash and his gang are gone. I roll on the floor, trying to stand up while cupping my definitely broken nose.

"Hey hey woah don't stand up! You might pass out!" Says the person. I look up to see who it is between the blood and my fingers.


His eyes widen as he recognizes me. "Peter?"

"Hey," I say and chuckle, only to be stopped by a groan. Don't laugh. That hurts my stomach and jaw.

"Oh my god what the hell happened? Are you okay?"

"I believe you already know the answer to both those questions," I say, and sit up against the lockers. Wade puts a hand on my shoulder and crouches in front of me.

"Dude, what happened?"

"Well, it all started when I was born..."

"I'm gonna kill him." He seethes, ignoring my sarcasm. All I can see of his face through my dizziness is he looks ready to murder someone.

"Wade, calm down."

"How long has he been doing this?"

"Well, pretty much ever since I knew him."

As I can open my eyes a bit more, I notice he has a bruise forming on his cheekbone. I lift my hand and touch it. He winces. "You fought them?" I ask. I'm suddenly very aware of how close we are, and how my hand is on his cheek. I drop it.

"Of course I did." His face which was anger turns to worry. "Can you stand?" He helps me up, grabbing my hand. There are spots on my vision and I'm a little dizzy. he puts an arm under my shoulder and helps me walk down the deserted halls.

"Thanks Wade." I say. I can already feel my healing starting. A good thing about being Spider-Man is I heal faster than the average human.

"Peter I think you should go to the principal about th-"

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