12: uwu uwu uwu Irondad

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3rd person sorta

The mouth-watering drafts that float like clouds to his spot on the stool make him dizzy with hunger. Peter closes his eyes and savours the smells he can taste coming from across the counter, longingly wishing he'd actually get to eat his fill.

He never got to with May, so he figured here would be the same.

He was still a bit wary around Natasha and Pepper, even Wanda; He was always abused by his aunt, so he thought they couldn't be different.

The Avengers, who he met a few minutes ago, crowd the rest of the stools, Mr. Barnes and Captain America-

No, Bucky and Steve, he reminds himself. That's what they asked him to call them, and he'd respect their wishes.

He was so dizzy, he didn't notice how dangerously far he'd leaned the the left. He fell off the stool, opening his eyes at the last second and went tumbling to the ground.

A pair of feet stop in front of him, and someone's speaking, but he can't hear them. Everything sounds distant, underwater. He tries to get off his elbows and falls back down, bruising his cheek.

Peter tried to get up a gain and failed. The  is truth was, he was giving up. He was exhausted, to say the least, and it required the strength that, at the moment, he didn't have.

"Cap a little help!?!" Yells Tony from his crouch. Steve comes over and helps Peter to his feet, only to catch him under the arms when he crumpled to his knees.

"What's happening to him?" Asks Natasha.

Wanda concentrates on Peter, getting into his brain. "He's passing out from dehydration and malnutrition and—" she suddenly gasps, then screams. Oof.

"What is it Wanda what's wrong?" Asks Pietro, at his sisters side in a second. Steve carts Peter towards the med bay, the rest of them following behind and assaulting Her with questions.

"Enough!" Yells Pietro, silencing them. "what's wrong?" He repeats, a softer tone than with the others.

Wanda looks up with pain written all over her face. "The things I saw- the horrors he's seen, the pain—"

The group are frightened at what she meant by that as they all squish into the elevator. Natasha's the only one who swallows her fear and asks. "Wanda, what exactly did you see?"

Wanda looks at her slowly, and all Natasha sees is a broken girl inside a broken boys head. It nearly breaks the rest of them.

Tony catches on to what Wanda saw and secretly shakes his head no. She bites her lip and shifts her gaze to the rest of them.

"Just- bullies..." They don't believe her but don't press it.

Wanda tells Tony mentally. 'Him being tied up to the wall, hurt repeatedly by his aunt and- and beatings and the words, the way she treats him like something foul It was horrible, Stark'

Everyone is staring at the ground, in confinement, guilt or to hide disobeying tears.

"It isn't right," Steve said it so quietly, but everyone can hear it clear as day. He's holding Peter vertically, under the arms, his legs limp underneath him.

Tony was about to say something to show his annoyance at Steve pointing out the obvious, but Suddenly Peter groans and the Avengers watch as he slowly regained consciousness. Peter opens his eyes and looks around dazedly.

"What... what happened?" He meets the faces of seven ashen-faced Avengers. "...What?" He asks. "What's wrong?...did...did I do something...?"

Tony sniffs and wipes his face, attempting a smile. "You passed out kid."

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