18: bidgeass fudgeface

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 "Hey Mr. Stark?" 


"Can I leave?"

"Not yet." 

"But the MDU is so boring." 

"You're only in here for a day, you can survive it. Besides, if you want I can get your phone from your pocket so you don't have to read... 'The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind' For the fifth time." 

"It's a good book." 

Tony quirked an eyebrow. "I can understand why it might be interesting, but after reading it so many times..." He sighed. Then chuckled, shaking his head fondly. "Do you want your phone?" 

Peter shrugged. "Sure. Is it in my jacket?"

"Yep," Tony said while getting up. 

"Bold of you to assume..." and then Peter stopped because Tony pulled out the phone from his jacket, that was slung over the foot of the bed. The room was dimmed to a warm darkness, like it was 10 at night and the room was only illuminated by a small lamp, or candles. 

"Here," He hands Peter the small and cracked phone. 

It was an iPhone 5, and the screen protector was in desperately needing a replacement. He had a back to it thankfully, it was purple with the black Avengers logo on it. 

This little phone had gotten him through tough moments, saved him at the brink of death and introduced Tony into his life, so Peter was not ashamed of it as maybe he should've. 

"Thanks," Peter sighed, and Tony nodded in recognize. "There is only..." His sarcastic response about ceilings fades out as his mouth drops and he stares at his phone which as he scrolled down, the notifications from his friends went on for miles. 

"What the... I'm not that popular. Who the hell died?" 

He started punching in his password (Touch ID didn't work-shut up) Tony frowned at him. "What? Someone died?" 

"No, no..." he went into his messages and saw twenty+ messages from MJ (what the hell) 100+ messages from Ned (???) and twenty+ messages from Wade (how did he get his number? and HOLY SHIZNUGGETS!) 

Peter glanced at Tony, who decided that the death subject was probably Peter projecting his thoughts out loud and didn't think much of it. 

"My phone just blew up, no one died," Peter explained. 

Without looking up from his own phone, Tony answered, "Finally, that wretched thing needs to be replaced." Then looked up and smiled so Peter knew it was a joke. 

"My friends have been texting me non-stop, and MJ has sent me more messages in the span of twenty-four hours than she does in an entire month." He keeps rambling, reading the messages at the same time. "And Ned- well that's normal, but Wade how did he get my number? And why is Ned talking about you calling..." He looks up from his phone slowly. Once Peter sees the mechanics face he knew. 

"You... called Ned. About M... May." 

Guilt flashed behind Tony's brown doe eyes, and his mouth twisted. "I'm sorry Pete, I just had to find out where you were..." 

"No no I get that... but... Ned didn't know. And... MJ and Wade..." He trailed off, no other words needing to be said. 

"You know," Peter said after a few minutes of heavy silence, words cutting enough for Tony to glance at him and shut off his phone. "Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I never... If May wasn't... abusive. And how it would feel like if even after Uncle Ben died, she still loved me." 

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