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A knock on the door pulls me from my emotional episode. I quickly wipe my tears, hoping it's not someone who will question what's going on.
I get up from my seat, walking over and opening the door.
"Oh honey.." Abbi frowns as she sees me.
"What did he do?" Haz asks.
"Why do I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't know what's going on?" Adriana asks as she trails behind, holding a large case of white claw.
"Come on in." I say to them, opening the door wider.
I sit down and they pile in, setting the drinks down and sitting around me.
"I told him." I say.
"What?!" Abbi's eyes widen.
"How did it go?" Haz asks.
"Told who what?!" Adriana asks, frustrated that she has no clue what is going on.
"Allison got pregnant with Toms baby, left to New York, raised her, and lied to Tom about it. Keep up." Haz says sassily to her and her mouth drops.
"What the fuck?! Why am I always last to know everything!" She groans.
"Did he take it okay?" Abbi asks.
"He took it wonderfully, absolute ecstatic to be a father." I nod. "Then he continued to tell me how he thought he loved me, but now he doesn't even want to see my face. Then said that telling me he loved me was a lie so.."
"Seriously?" Haz says. "He hasn't stopped talking about you since you came back."
"Yeah well I kind of ruined that." I say.
Haz gives me a sad smile. If anyone knew what Tom and I had, it's Haz. He knows how much this hurts me.
"You're childless tonight, and you've had your heart broken. There's only one thing to do." He says.
"I swear to god Haz-" I say, knowing he's about to suggest the dumbest 'solution' ever.
"Clubbing!" He says.
"Absolutely not." I say.
"Come on! I'll be your wingman! You need a little fun!" He pleads.
I don't know why he's even helping me, shouldn't he be angry with me too? Now he's trying to get me to go clubbing and hook up with some guy? He has a plan here.. he's just not telling me.
"Yeah don't be a bummer Allie, let's have fun!" Adriana encourages.
"I hate you guys. Fine." I agree and they all cheer.
This is not a good idea.. at all. It will be nice though to have a distraction.
After hanging out for a little while, Haz leaves to go get ready and Adriana and Abbi help me pick out a cute outfit. I flip through my closet, knowing that tonight isn't going to go how they think it will. Yeah I could find some guy to hook up with but honestly? All I want is Tom..
"This is cute. Wear this." Abbi says holding up a dress.
"Fuck no. Wear this, you want to be hot not cute." Adriana says holding up a very skimpy red dress.
"You know what? Fuck it." I say, grabbing the dress from Adriana and she claps.
"Yay! Hoe Allison is back!" She cheers.
"You guys are ridiculous." I say.
I change into the dress, pulling it up to cover more of my boobs, but then my ass hangs out. There won't be much coverage tonight.. oh well. I guess that's what we're going for.
I match some black heels to the outfit, and pull my hair into a very slick and tight pony tail that will definitely give me a headache later. The girls grab random dresses out of Adriana's car. She claims she must always be prepared for a night at the club, so she keeps a tub of dresses, heels, and a large box of condoms in her trunk.
Tonight's going to be fun. They're right, I told Tom and there's nothing more I can do. If he's going to be angry with me he has every right to, but that doesn't mean I have to sit here and be depressed over it.
"You ladies ready?" Haz calls as he walks through the front door.
"We're almost done!" They yell from the bathroom.
"Hot damn! Look at you!" He says, his eyes scanning my appearance.
"I have never felt sluttier." I comment, pulling the hem of my dress down for the millionth time.
"Tom would be drooling." He says. "But he's a dick so we'll let another nice fella drool over you."
I laugh at his words, and Abbi and Adriana come out of the bathroom looking great as always.
"Alright, I'm ready." Adriana says, grabbing a white claw from my fridge. She pulls a knife out, cutting a small hole towards the bottom and shotgunning it. Ah classic adriana.
"Let's goooo!" She says, leading us all out.
We drive to the club, Adriana drinking another white claw on the way there. I can already tell she's going to get blackout drunk which means we're in for a fun night.
We get to the club and go inside, the loud music sounding in our ears.
"Alright, let's scope out the place." Haz says to me, leading me over to the bar.
We both get a beer and look around, I don't know exactly what he's looking for, but I follow along anyways.
"He's attractive." He says, nodding over to a guy across the room.
"He's so short." I laugh.
"Yeah so is Tom?" He says.
"Well I want the opposite of Tom." I say, not even wanting to think about him.
I take a sip of my beer and Haz smirks at me.
"What?" I ask.
"Don't look now but a guy a few seats down is staring at you." He says. "Oh shit he's coming over. Good luck!"
Haz quickly walks away and I stressfully fix my dress a bit, leaning against the bar.
I turn around quickly, my eyes widening when I see the familiar face from Audrey's dance studio.
"Nick!" I say. "Hey, what are you doing here?"
"My son is with his mother tonight so the guys wanted to go out." He shrugs. "Didn't recognize you at first."
"Yeah definitely don't normally dress like this." I laugh, once again pulling at the material of my dress.
"Well I think you look great." He says.
"Thank you." I smile.
I take notice of my friends standing across the room, watching the interaction with big goofy smiles on their faces.
"Can I get you another drink?" He asks me.
"Yeah, i'd like that." I nod.
He gets me another drink and we continue to talk. He's actually very kind and funny, could just be the alcohol in my system but I think he has a great personality.
"You never called me." I say.
"My son threw my phone in the toilet." He laughs. "Having kids is wonderful."
Ahh, so he didn't not call me because he wasn't interested, he didn't call me because he didn't have my number anymore.
"So I assume you are here with friends?" He asks.
"Yeah, Audrey is with her dad and they couldn't resist dragging me out." I laugh.
"With her dad? Separated?" He asks. "I'm sorry that's a personal question.."
"No, it's fine." I say. "Yeah we haven't been together in a long time."
"So you're single?" He asks.
"Yeah. I am." I smile.
He takes a large gulp of his drink, that I notice isn't alcohol, setting it down.
"Does that mean I can ask you on a date?" He asks.
"You can but I can't promise I'll say yes." I tease.
"I think my chances are pretty good." He smirks, his hand resting on my hip flirtatiously.
"They are." I flirt back.
"Then how about we get out of here? Go get some food before you're too drunk to enjoy a date." He suggests.
"Dressed like this?" I ask, looking down at my outfit.
"We can get takeout." He suggests and I smile.
"That sounds absolutely perfect."

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