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•Toms Pov•
"So I show up, and there he is! Just standing outside her door with a coffee and his stupid muffin. She doesn't even like coffee!" I groan.
"Mate just admit it already." Tuwaine says.
"Admit what?" I ask.
"You fucking love her and this whole back and forth thing is getting old." Haz says.
"I did love her, then she lied to me." I remind them.
"So what get over it." Haz says.
"She had my baby and didn't tell me for six years!" I exclaim.
"And now you're being a dumb ass, wasting even more time when you could just have your family!" Haz states.
He's not wrong.. I could just forgive her, have my family..
but that's not an option now. I step out of the picture and Nick shows up to take my place. She seems happy, like they're going to get serious.
"Nick has her now." I mumble.
"He's a loser, she'd ditch any guy for you. You two are an annoying couple that just can't ever stay away from each other that everyone hates but secretly wishes they were you."
I laugh at his description of Allie and I. Yeah, that's pretty accurate. I just don't know if she's going to come back to me again..
I miss when we were younger and we just thought everything was going to be perfect. I'd get the role right out of high school and instantly be able to make a living for the two of us. I want the life I planned.. but it's too late.
I'm always too late.
I just want Nick to go away..
There's a knock on the door and I know exactly who it is, getting up and opening it.
"Hey daddy." Audrey smiles, and I pick her up.
"How was school?" I ask as Allie shuts the door behind her, following me into the kitchen away from the guys.
"Good, auntie Lia let me stay in the computer lab extra today!" She exclaims.
"She's the one who bought Audrey the tablet too." Allie rolls her eyes. Allie always said that when she had a kid she wanted them to not get any electronics until they're older. Looks like Lia ruined that.
"I bet you play lots of fun math games huh?" I ask.
Allison totally makes her play math games. She's that kind of mum.
"Ew I hate math!" She cringes.
"Yep. That's my girl." I laugh.
"Hon we need to talk to you about something." Allie says, directing the conversation to the topic of me leaving.
"You know how im Spiderman?" I ask.
"Yes." She nods.
"Well he needs to go to New York for a couple weeks to film for Spiderman. So he won't be home for a while." Allie explains.
"Can I come too? I have a house in New York!" Audrey says, making me frown.
How could I possibly leave her? She's quickly become my whole world and I honestly don't know if I can go a whole two weeks without her. She looks at me with her little puppy dog eyes and I can't help it.
"Well, I could fly you two down for a few days?" I offer.
"Tom you don't ha-" Allie gets cut off by Audrey's squeals.
"We're gonna see you be Spiderman?!" She yells excitedly.
"Only if your mum says yes." I say.
We both look over to Allison, and she sighs.
"You'll have to do extra school work before we go so you're not behind." She says.
"Sick!" I say, high fiving my daughter.
I love being the cool parent.
"I'm gonna go tell Haz!" She says, skipping off to the living room.
"You don't have to do this, she's fine. That's wasting a lot of money to fly us down there..." Allie says.
"No trust me, I'd love to have you guys down there. And I'm rich, remember?" I say and she shakes her head at me.
"I miss the old you that wasn't all cocky." She teases.
"The old me that wasn't hot and rich?" I question.
"See! Cocky!" She scolds with a laugh.
Fuck I love that laugh.
"If you want to just fly her and Haz out, or her and Harry, I totally understand." She says.
"Why would I do that?" I ask.
"Because you hated me not even a week ago." She states.
My heart hurts, remembering the words I said to her. How I told her that my love for her was a lie. That I couldn't even look at her face.. her face is the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life. How could I say that to her?
"I shouldn't have said what I said.." I start. "I was upset and angry, and I took it out on you. I'm sorry."
"You don't need to apologize. I deserved it." She says.
"No, you didn't." I say.
She sits silently for a moment, but the silence is ruined by something we did not expect to hear.
My eyes widen, looking over to Allison, who looks just as shocked. We get up, walking into the living room to see Haz and Tuwaine laughing uncontrollably while Audrey drops the gaming controller, hand flying over her mouth.
"Oh my god" Haz wheezes in laughter.
"Audrey.. did you just say the f word?" I ask.
"I didn't mean to!" She exclaims.
"Where did you even learn that word?" Allison asks, knowing neither her or I say it in front of her.
"Auntie Lia.." she says quietly.
"I'm going to kill Lia." Allison mumbles to herself.
"Angel that's a big girl word okay? You can't say that." I say.
"I lost the game and got mad." She frowns.
"Okay well.. when we get mad how about we say fruitcake instead?" I say, earning yet another laugh from the boys but Allison is quick to give them a death glare and shut it down.
"Okay, I can do that!" Audrey says with a smile.
"Alright. Fruitcake it is." I say.
"Cmon Audrey, lets go we have dinner at grams." Allie says.
"Bye Haz, bye T." Audrey says, hugging the boys. It's so cute she calls tuwaine T because she can't remember his name.
"Alright angel, I probably won't see you until next week." I say, kneeling down to Audrey's height.
"Do momma and I still get to come to New York?" She asks.
"Absolutely." I smile. "Gimme a hug."
Audrey gives me the biggest squeeze shes ever given me in her life, and I kiss her forehead.
"See you soon." I say.
"Bye daddy." She sighs, waving goodbye.
"See you next week." Allison says.
"See you next week."

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