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"I'll be home in four days, I'll see you so soon." Tom says, holding Audrey in his arms.
"Why can't you go to the airport with us?" She frowns.
"Because people would see me with you and take photos. I wanna keep you my little secret." He smiles.
"Alright.." she sighs.
"Okay.. four days. It'll go by so fast." He says, setting her down. "Eugene, could you take Audrey and her things down please?"
"Yes sir." Eugene nods. He holds his hand out to Audrey, and takes her down the elevator.
"And I will see you in four days." Tom says to me, kissing my lips gently.
"Don't know what I'll do when it becomes six months." I sigh.
"I'll fly you guys out, I'll come home when I can, we will make this work. Promise." He assures me.
"I love you." I say.
"I love you too, darling." He smiles, pressing one more kiss to my lips.
I grab my bag, and step out the door.
"See you." I say.
"Sooner than you think."
I say my goodbyes, leaving down to the car. I hate leaving Tom, especially now that we're back together. When he gets home, we're going to have a lot to discuss, our entire lives are going to change.
The flight home felt much longer than the flight there, although first class was even nicer this time. Harrison picked us up from the airport, and Audrey instantly fell asleep in the backseat.
"So I hear you two had a whole plan?" I ask him.
"She told you?!" He whisper yells.
"No, I overheard your little phone conversation" I laugh.
"Ah well, it worked so I don't regret anything." He states. "Are you happy?"
"Yes." I nod.
I don't think I've ever been happier. I'm getting everything I've ever wanted, but all that happiness quickly subsides when we pull into the driveway. I see Nick sitting on the porch steps, and what looks to be a bottle of beer in his hand.
Oh no..
"Can you take her inside?" I ask Haz.
"Yeah, you good?" He asks.
"Yes. I got this." I say, getting out of the car.
Haz carries Audrey's sleeping body inside, and I walk up to Nick.
"I thought you were sober." I say.
"Didn't stick." He shrugs.
"What are you doing here?" I ask. "It's late, shouldn't you be home with Paxton?"
"courts gave his mother full custody, so no. No reason to be home." He stands up. "I get one DUI and suddenly I'm incompetent of being a parent."
"Nick, let me drive you home-"
"I'm sorry I didn't call for a week, I went on a bender and forgot." He apologizes. "I like you, Allison. I think we would be great together."
"Nick you're drunk and I'm not going to have this conversation with you until you're sober." I say.
He scoffs, looking away from me for a moment. He's definitely drunk, he's never acted like this before. It's bad.. he must be drinking a lot.
"You're not into me, are you?" He asks.
"It's not like that-" I start but he cuts me off.
"Then what is it like?" He asks.
"I really don't feel comfortable talking about this until you're sober. Come back in the morning." I say.
"Just fucking say it!" He raises his voice at me.
Haz walks out, obviously angry with the tone Nick has taken with me.
"You need to leave. Now." Haz says.
"Fuck you both man. I don't even care." Nick says, stumbling off down the road. Haz protectively puts his arm around me, leading me inside and locking the door.
"He's crazy." He says. "What happened to him?"
"Alcohol." I sigh.
I really do feel bad for Nick, he's a good guy, and he obviously needs some help. I can't believe he lost custody over Paxton.. and now I have to tell him I'm with Tom. Well.. maybe not. It doesn't seem like he's coming back.
"Alright well, I'm going to head out." Haz says.
"Okay, thank you." I say, giving him a big hug. The thanks is for helping Tom and I back together, bringing me home, telling Nick to leave, and just for being a great friend. I adore Harrison.
"See ya." He waves.
I go inside, checking to make sure Audrey is still sleeping. She looks so peaceful, she's been so much happier since finding out about Tom. I wish I would have done this sooner.
Tom: are you home yet love?
I smile at the text, realizing I forgot to text him that we got home safely.
Allison: yes, we're home safe and sound.
______4 days later_______
"You guys really don't want to go? I'm sure Tom would love to see you two." I say to Haz and Audrey who are currently playing video games in the living room.
Toms plane will be landing soon, and I need to go pick him up from the airport. Audrey and Haz dont want to go for some reason though.
"We're good, see you guys when you get back!" Haz says.
I grab my things, and walk out to the car. I'm so excited to see him, four days feels like forever now. The drive there is filled with music from high school, I didn't listen to our Spotify playlist for a long time, but now it's my favorite playlist.
As I pull up to the airport, I notice all the paparazzi gathered around. It must suck to constantly be hiding from the media, no wonder he told me to drive his car with tinted windows. I just want to be able to meet my boyfriend inside, but I can't with these stupid paps.
Allison: I'm outside.
I send the text and wait. Soon I see all the cameras flashing, and Tom walks out of the airport with his hood pulled over his head, quickly making his way towards the car. He barely opens the door, making sure no one can see inside and shuts it behind him as I pull away quickly.
"Hey pretty girl." He says, kissing my cheek once we're out of sight.
"I'm so glad you're home. It sucks you have to be hounded by photographers after such a long flight." I frown.
"Oh well, it makes the fans happy." He shrugs.
He's such a good guy to his fans, no wonder they love him so much.
"Where's Audrey?" He asks.
"Her and Haz wanted to stay home and play video games." I laugh.
"Wow whatever then, my feelings totally aren't hurt." He says sarcastically, clutching his chest with a pout.
"She's really close with Haz now, they're like best friends." I comment, and I can tell that made him a little jealous. Of course he doesn't like the idea of his daughter loving his best friend more than him, but she could never. She loves her dad.
We pull up to the house and I park the car. As soon as I turn the car off Tom grabs my face, pulling me into a deep, passionate kiss. A kiss that I've missed so much the past four days.
"What was that for?" I ask.
"Missed you." He says.
"Daddy!" We hear Audrey yell, seeing her run out the front door.
"There's my angel!" Tom says as he steps out of the car, picking Audrey up in his arms and squeezing her.
"Uncle Haz and I need you to come inside." She says to us.
"Okay, lets go then." Tom says.
Audrey grabs both of our hands, pulling us in through the front door. The smell of vanilla and peony mixed together makes me cough slightly, and I see why. The kitchen table is set up nicely, the vanilla and peony scented candles lit. It looks like a table at a really nice restaurant.
"So this is what you guys were up to." I laugh.
"See ya!" Haz says, grabbing Audrey and leaving the house, shutting the door behind them.
I cannot believe they set this whole thing up.. the food on the table is definitely take out, which makes me giggle. It's so thoughtful and adorable.
Tom pulls out my chair for me, gesturing for me to sit with a smile. I take a seat and he pushes my chair in, pressing a kiss to my head before taking his seat across from me.
"How did we have such an amazing daughter?" He asks.
"Or such an amazing Haz?" I add and he laughs.
He pours wine into our glasses, and we lift them to a toast.
"To finding our way back."

A/N: only one chapter left tomorrow, and then I'm starting a new book :) let me know if you guys want a Tom or Haz book!

Find Our Way Back - T.HTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang