Chapter 3

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Mr. Mean took away toy, I started crying, I heard big booms and the windows broke.
I screamed" Toy! Toy!" I was pushed against the wall, I cried louder, the room started shaking.
Mr. Mean said" Then do as your told, little soldier!" I stared at the brick in front of me, it lifted up and I dropped it again." Now..." I lifted it up again, and threw it against the wall as hard as I could. He threw toy to the other room, I chased after toy, I got to toy and held it. Then two guards came in and grabbed me, they dragged me to scary room. They threw me into chair and put something over my face, I screamed as it started hurting me. The lights busted...

I screamed loudly, crying louder, my body moving but I couldn't control it. I squeezed my eyes shut, I heard cracks and booms, they just made me more scared.

Bucky's POV
I woke up to Star's screams, I ran to the med bay, I saw Steve joining me, we opened the door and she was sobbing and screeching. The storm outside didn't help her fear, I ran to her, my hands gently grabbing hers. She pulled from my hands, her body flailing, I scooped her up and held her against my chest. The storm only got worse, she was still in her nightmare, I think.
I said" Wake up, Star! Star, it's Bucky, wake up, come on, angel, wake up. Bucky's right here." I rocked her gently, trying to soothe her, she started calming down.
She mumbled" Wucky?"
" Yeah, Star, Bucky's right here." She opened her little eyes, red and puffy from all the crying. She gripped my shirt and dug her face into my neck, I looked at Steve. He turned on the lights, and closed the door, we sat down on the bed.
After a few minutes, she was calmed down fully, the storm stopping, I sighed. I stopped rocking her in my arms,
She mumbled" Wut Mr. Mean was here..."
I said" No one's here, Star. I promise. Just me and Steve. It was a nightmare, they're not really fun, are they?" She shook her head,
Steve said" Star, what did Mr. Mean do in your nightmare?"
She mumbled" Took toy, put wig womething on face. Me weam." She has trouble pronouncing her B's and S's, I'm surprised they even taught her how to speak.
" Why would they take toy?"
" Make wig wooms and cracks." Steve looked at me, I sighed,
I said" How about you try and get some more sleep, okay?" We stood up, I put her down, she started whimpering, noticing we were gonna leave her." How about you come with me and Steve, huh?" She made grabby hands, I lifted her back up, she laid her head on my shoulder.

We got to my room, I laid down, she curled up, dozing back off, Steve laid on the other side of her.
He whispered" I was right... doesn't make me feel any better."
I whispered" Her emotions control the weather. She was scared, so a storm started outside-"
" And got worse as the fear took her over."
" How are we gonna prove to Stark this kid isn't dangerous?"
" I don't know... maybe if we can get a handle on the fear, the storms won't get as fierce."
" How do we tell her not to be afraid when all she's ever known is fear?"
" I don't know."
" Maybe if we just reassure her all the time, she'll feel less fearful."
" Buck, I don't think that's gonna work."
" I don't know, Stevie, but I know I'm not letting anything happen to this little girl."
" You see a little bit of you in her, don't you? I've seen the way you look at her, don't deny it."
" She's a victim, maybe even worse off than me-"
" What do you mean?"
" I mean... I was an adult, she's a five year old, meaning they started probably when she was one... maybe even younger. She's never seen anything outside of what she's been through. If I didn't find her... there's no telling what would have happened to her."
" She had no one."
" She has me, now."
" And me. Tony'll come around, Bucky, don't worry about him. We'll handle this, okay?"
" Okay." Star rolled over and cuddled into my metal arm, I smiled, moving her hair out of her face.
" I think that how she's figured out it's you. Your arm. She knows she's safe when she can feel the metal."
" Yeah."

Star's POV
I followed Bucky and Steve into another room, I was holding onto their shirts.
Steve said" Come on, Star, it's all right. No one will hurt you." He held my hand and pulled me off his shirt, he smiled at me," See, nothing bad happened... now, how about you let go of Bucky's shirt?" I looked up at Bucky,
He said" I'm right here." I let go of his shirt, I looked at them, nothing bad happened." Good job, Star." I followed them to a big thingy, they sat down, I tilted my head.
" This is a couch." I poked it, it moved in then out as I moved my finger, I jumped back. I poked it again, then scrabbled onto Bucky, I nuzzled my face into his neck.
" It's okay, Star. See, nothing bad happened." I looked at him, his lips tilted up, I tilted my head and traced his lips with my finger." Smile." He held my hand," It's called a smile, you try." I smiled, I traced my lips, I giggled, smiling bigger. Then the woman walked up, I tucked my face into Bucky's neck.
She said" Hi, my name's Nat." I looked at her, she smiled at me, I moved from Bucky's neck." You must be Star." I nodded my head," It's nice to meet you." I laid my head on Bucky's chest," Bruce and Tony are having a meltdown in the lab, something about the kid having way too many powers for an adult to even handle."
Steve said" What do they want to do?"
" Well, Tony wants to lock her up in the hulk box, while Bruce wants to simply test the powers on the files."
" Who's winning?"
" Bruce."
" All right, let's go settle the score with them." Bucky got up, holding me on his hip, we walked into another room, the one I was in before.
The man, Tony said" We don't know what she's capable of doing, and last night's power outage says something, Banner!"
The other man, Bruce said" She's a child, who's already been locked up in a cage, Tony."
Steve said" You're not putting her in another cage, Tony. I won't let that happen."
Tony said" Then what? Calmly ask her to not take out a whole city?" I tilted my head,
Bruce said" Hey, Star. Can you come over here?" Bucky put me down, I looked up at him, he nodded his head, I walked to Bruce. He held my hands, looking at me," Think you can move those letter blocks for me?" I looked at the blocks, I tilted my head, they lifted up and I put them back down." Good job, Star. Such a good job."
" That doesn't prove anything."
" It proves she has control over her psychic abilities. Maybe the atmokinesis is too strong for her to fully control."
" Then how are you gonna prove that, Banner?"
Bucky said" What's atmokinesis?"
" She controls the weather with her emotions, mainly her fear and sadness. So, Banner, how are you gonna prove it? 'Cause as I see it, the kid's a ticking time-bomb, if she gets too angry or too sad, she could probably kill us all and destroy the planet."
I heard Nat say" This little thing could kill us all? Aren't you exaggerating a little bit, Tony? Look at her, I don't think she'd hurt a fly." She lifted me up, and took me to Tony," Look at her and tell me if you really think she'd do that?" He looked at me, Bruce gave me a block, I giggled at it, tracing the letter.
" No... I don't."
" See, all settled. Kid-friendly tests only, no putting her in a cage or I make you wish you were dead." She put me down, I walked to Bucky, making grabby hands. He lifted me up, I showed him the block, giggling as he smiled.

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