The Keeper of the Truth - II

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When I stride into the great hall I see only a few have swung the bedside. I have only just crossed half of the hall when Edwin is at my side trying to keep up with my long strides. He's almost like a child trying to keep up with his father.

"My lord?" I give him a curt nod letting him continue.

"How did it go? Will we be going to war? Will we be slaying them foresters?" he asks eagerly with loads of hand gestures flying through the air while trying to keep up.

"Send for Cenwig, bid him meet me in the King's hall, and bid him come alone,"

I open one of the side doors in the great hall which leads into a smaller hall. I sit down at the long table that I normally use for the council. It's an old oak table where many wise and brave men have sit and discussed the lands safety and problems in this kingdom.

The door opens and reveals Cenwig. He does a curt courtesy before he takes place beside me. He's a very stoic man and talks to few, much less like anyone more than necessary. He doesn't mind being alone, I don't even know if he ever feels loneliness. Maybe that's why he's the best tracker and messenger I have.

"You send for me my lord," He looks at me, calm as ever. Now that I think about it, he seems ever indifferent to anything around him. Almost like he has no feelings, or at least no one he wants to show. I always send him on the hardest missions because I know, he got caught, he would never utter a word. He reminds me much of myself a few hundred years back.

"Something is brewing in the Aurum Mountain; I felt it in the forest at the base. Which means something far worse is at the top. I still don't feel it in Argentum Mountain but if not stopped it'll come, something is drawing its powers," He looks at me with thoroughgoing eyes.

"You want me to see if anything unnatural is brewing in the Aurum Mountain? Where should I look?" I smile lightly at the stoic warrior in front of me. I knew he would never ask questions, he would just do. And follow his gut feelings. The task I'm putting him on is difficult. Searching for, what might seem like a bad omen is a near impossible task.

"Ride to the mountain with the smallest peak, follow the main trail to the base of the mountain, there you will find what seems like an endless hole. In there you follow the path that will lead you straight on, do never take another. You will pass three crossings before you reach a cave. Be on your guard, I do not know what's lurking there. Into the cave wall, you'll see carvings. Different lines connecting to different symbols. I will need you to tell me if you see any signs of anyone have been there, and if the carvings have a glow to them. Be careful to follow the same route out as you did in. Do not take another exit; you will not be able to get back if you do. Do not follow the path into the other mountains, you will find nothing pleasant thrives there. And lastly, when you do find the answers, ride and ride hard let no one catch you, friend or foe."

He stares at me for a long while before leaning forward.

"I've heard stories about when you first became king in Enyadell, my grandfather told me stories of how you were made of the mountains. Is that the truth?" It's the first time he's ever asked questions of me, which surprises me a great deal.

"The mountains only destroy, never create, but let me tell you this, I've dwelled in those mountains decades before arriving here, so trust me when I say I'm not the worst thing you'll find in there. Be on your guard," I say evenly. I know the elders tell stories about me at bedtime, but sadly they aren't all true. Few remember how it actually happened only those who are closing in on ten decades remember clearly enough to tell those stories. The rest of them where just babies at the time.

The warrior gets to his feet. He brushes some imaginary dust off his leather trousers before with a curt nod and a slight bow he takes his leave. "I will leave tonight, as it seems your missions does not do well in daylight,"

Another reason why I chose this man. He doesn't need instructions to know that this must no one else know of. Not even the gods. If they're still on our side.

When I'm once again left alone in the hall I raise from my seat. I walk over to the wide window and look out into the courtyard. The sun is barely seen in the sky, and it feels like it's way too long before the sun is setting over the sky.

I want to go get her now, which would be an easy option. But I promised that would wait, that one promise I will hold. I know the ranched up will never give her up. He's nothing put a pup that can't keep to himself, he wants what he can't have.

One part of me is calm, the other is roaring with rage clawing to get out making my body tingle. Maybe it's because one side of me knows it'll get the blood it hunger for.

The other is just impatient. As always. The King in me hates being defied, but the beast in me find it refreshing. He likes a good hunt, there's truly nothing like taking down a troublemaker.

I watch as the rain starts to fall from the bleak sky. The raindrops turn frosty reminding me of the cold weather. I fear the pup has no mercy in him and has left her outside to freeze in the cold. The beast snaps at me. It does not like the thought of his possession being touch by another. Possessiveness has always been one word that describes him very well.

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