New Student

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You walked down the hall of your new school, nervous yet excited for a new start. after leaving the school in american because of the threats and bullying of having five soul marks, your father decided it was time to move to Japan where he was born and the place of the well-known hero All might. Aldera Junior High, you hope you make some friends. Since this your last year of junior high, you decided to apply to U.A since it is the best school to go to be a hero.

As you reached your classroom you heard yelling then a big boom. you hurried and open the door to see a ash blond haired boy and a curly green haired boy, who looked terrified by the ash blond. 

"What are you doing to him " you ask

"This doesn't involve you, get out before i make you Bitch" said the ash blond, red eyes angrily glaring at you.

a small voice pitched in and said, "it okay, I'm use to this."

You ignored the angry blond to look at the curly green haired boy you dubbed as broccoli boi.

"Use to what." you asked


he was cut off by the blond 

"This piece of shit is quirkless and wants to become a hero."

"So" you said, "anyone can become a hero it doesn't matter if you dont have a quirk, Now let him go."

"i'm not listening to you bitch, do you know who I am, and this piece of shit deserves this punishment for coming into this world quirkless. I'm the strongest around here and I'm the only one going to U.A."

"News flash you dumbass," you said, " anyone can go to the school of their dreams and one I'm not a bitch and two you are not the strongest here anymore and three I'm going to U.A and just to piss you off I bringing that boy with me." pointing at the broccoli boi.

He let go of the broccoli boi and walked over to you towering over you (reader you are short 5'3). "Listen here you shortass, i doubt someone like you is strong enough to beat me."

"I know I'm stronger than you and i won't let you bully anyone now that I'm here and if you're ass is gonna become a hero, work on your FUCKING ATTITUDE." Activating your quirk you turned your hand into a iron fist. "IRON DRAGON FIST" punching the living fuck out of this blond asshole in front of you. 

You turned to leave before a hand stopped you. you looked down at the Green haired boy. 

"thank you whats you name if you dont mind me asking" He asked shyly " mine is Midoriya Izuku."

"Y/N L/N" you said, " your dream is to become a hero right"

"yes" He said, "but i'm quirkless"

"you still can become a hero I'll help you" you said "I promise" holding out your pinky.

"ok" intertwining our fingers, "thank you Y/N"

"anytime Izu"

Dragon Queen ( reader soulmate AU) My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now