Chapter 3

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It was Hao kissing one of his fan girls. It was disgusting. But... I feel sorry for that girl, another victim of the play boy. When i was next to them...
"Am I interupting something?" I asked.
"Yes!" was the girl's answer.
"I think i did NOT ask you." I said in a scarier tone.
"Then I need to go" Said Hao in a disappointed tone "Later babe~" and the he winked at the girl.
The girl's face went tomato red and waved goodbye to his "boyfriend".
We were walking next to each other in silence when I breaked it.
"When will you stop playing with the girls emotions?"
"Why do you ask? Do you want me to settle at one girl? Or what? And they only want me for my looks not for me..." He said the last sentence almost wishpering.
I was suprised. Maybe he is cold hearted and a play boy for a reason? Was he played by a girl? But why do I care?
"First I was curious. Second no I don't WANT that. And how do you know they only want your body? Maybe there is someone who loves you because who you are." I said in a cheerful voice.
His eyes lighted up but then he chuckled.
"What is so funny?" I asked with an angry face.
He looked me in the eye. He had beautiful big dark brown eyes.
"Did you ever had a boyfriend?" I was suprised by his question.

Hao's pov

(Y/n) was suprised by my question. She is the only girl that said those things to me. And nobody ever show this kind of care for me. She was quite but then she answered.
"... No" was all she said. Then she showed me a sad smile. I was suprised, we are seniors and she never had a relationship...
"I think now you are womdering that how is that that we are seniors and I never had a relationship." (y/n) said in a sad tone.
Her (e/c) eyes were full with sadness. She was always happy or showed no emotion but she never was sad...
"Every guy said "I am ugly" or "you are just a nerd I would never date you"... Everybody rejected me but then I realised. Why do I need someone to be happy? Or why do I feel sad about something I can't control. Then I decided that if a boy takes interest in me than he have to say it. I will never chase a boy again." she said in a determined tone. Her eyes lighted up.
Now I think I understand her better.

(Y/n)'s pov

'Why did I tell him that much. I guess I bottled that up for too much time. I just wish that he won't take advantage on me...'
Than it suprised me what he said.
"Now I understand. I hope you will find someone." he said and gave me a cheerful closed eye smile.
I felt my cheek heat up, I quickly turned away I hope he didn't notice it. Hopefully he did not.
"We are here" I said.
Then we walked in the house.
"Hi mom, hi dad!"
"Hey honey." my mother said.
My mother came in the room.
"Good after-" Hao was cut off by my mother.
"Honey, finally you found a boyfriend I am so happy!" she said with a smile.

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